Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 How he can justify that I just do n't know . ’
2 It might be that there really is nothing else of importance , or it might be that I just do n't want to make the whole of me available .
3 I suddenly realized recently that I 'm so far short of having any kind of representational experience that I just do n't know what 's going on in this country .
4 ‘ I 've got a lassie here that I just do n't trust . ’
5 ‘ I would dearly love to know why you keep sticking me with motives that I just do n't have !
6 Then again , it 's much more likely that I just do n't know how to use these things properly .
7 We can be influenced by history , we can , we learn from history , we can do all sorts of things about history but what er er as far as er Christopher 's concerned , what do we do now because that I just do n't know !
8 Now having said that , of course , I 've almost answered the other question , that I just do not believe there are any rules .
9 Now having said that , of course , I 've almost answered the other question , that I just do not believe there are any rules .
10 It follows that I expressly do not give judgement at any figure at this stage but indicate merely what the findings are which I have made and what the sums which those findings lead to , are .
11 I have to say here that I honestly do not know whether such experiences are examples of genuine recall or figments of the dreamer 's imagination .
12 Not that I mean it to be a breathless race , but rather that I somehow do n't see life in an ordinary manner , not even this sere and monotonous existence in Africa ; granted , it browns me off sometimes , but I do pretty well on the whole ; and if I can still enjoy this incredibly austere and disciplined life , how much more shall we not enjoy life together ?
13 And they 're all genuinely things apology or or whatever reason , there are things that I genuinely do n't know .
14 There are certain things like active , that I actually do throughout the branch as well .
15 You will find , Ellie , that I never do anything I do n't want to . ’
16 ‘ You know the bad consequence of my laying myself under unnecessary obligation , and you will therefore take care that I only do it for real Friends that I can depend upon , ’ the member of parliament warned .
17 well erm , sort of in that erm , I was asked to come and do this talk , and so I , I organise to make sure that I had access to some of Gaugin 's work and then to write poems about it , erm , so , erm , only in as much as that it was a waiting to hear this talk , but a lot of my work is through commissions and so I find myself writing about things that I perhaps do n't have any interest in particularly , erm , or I find actually in a waiting , asked to write about anything is quite er exciting and actually using my skill I think it should be , as a writer I should really be able to write about everything .
18 No no I would n't do that I always do it like this if I was playing that hand three flu well you could go well you got a choice you can go take a chance on your last hand , not getting through or you can go two , three , five , six , seven two three four , ace finish them which is what I 'd probably do .
19 My make-up artist and stylist are very good so I usually listen to them unless it is something that I really do n't like .
20 " But it 's true , " said Mrs Denham , " that I really do like to have James .
21 Now please understand that I really do like my visitors .
22 ‘ But there 's one thing about my husband that I really do n't like .
23 Well I do n't I said , I said I 'll take it , but I said that I really do n't , I mean I said it 's really , I said I 've explained very carefully it 's Iris who had all that yes , ah , but here 's a script , so you see , that had at least got through
24 I I I ca n't answer that I really do n't know .
25 I must make it clear at once that I personally do not regard these particular decisions as a constitutional question such as most certainly was the appointment of the chairman .
26 ( You will have noticed , I trust , that there is no mention of my walking stick and my gloves in this kiosk episode , thus proving that I certainly do not need to use them .
27 Because the first one was quite small I did not give it the full ‘ advance ’ treatment that I usually do .
28 Think of some everyday things that you probably do n't even think of .
29 In other words , you do n't have the political input that you presently do in erm state schools , and of course the school itself is not answerable to the Local Education Authority in terms of policy it erm it is almost a stand-alone exercise , with the financing coming directly from D E S.
30 ‘ The whole Virgin approach had been that you simply do n't fire people . ’
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