Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [noun] will " in BNC.

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1 But I can sense that my departure will be most welcome . ’
2 ‘ I hope that my questions wo n't upset you . ’
3 Erm I do n't expect that my life will change immediately if I found out about them .
4 It may be that my help will be called for .
5 I am short-sighted , and I 'm sure that when war breaks out , the first thing that 'll happen is that my glasses will break .
6 Of course , it could be argued that my work will be shown .
7 And because of a very mild T S S infection , it 's very unlikely that my daughter will ever have another child , so I wholeheartedly support the composite motion , but want to emphasize what we as individuals must do .
8 It is true that right at the end , in October 1097 , when Anselm was on the point of leaving England , Eadmer reports him as saying to the Canterbury monks : ‘ I go willingly , trusting in God 's mercy that my journey will do something for the liberty of the Church in future times . ’
9 After that you will do whatever work is needed and have the aircraft delivered at the weekend , to the destination in France that my secretary will notify you of . ’
10 I apologise for my temper and any inconvenience I have caused you , and I assure you that my grandmother will adore the things you showed me today .
11 ‘ What you mean is that my uncle will tell me what to say . ’
12 There is a high degree of certainty that my friend will win .
13 It is also likely that my friend will , at some point , have been to see the SUSA Welfare Officer and obtained help with a late grant , or received advice on one of a whole host of student problems from harassment to housing .
14 Does Compact mean that my child will have to leave school for work at sixteen ?
15 What makes her think that my child will want posters of David Bowie and John Travolta , anyway ?
16 So I would anticipate that my proposals will receive favourable consideration from headquarters .
17 But er I , I have to make quite sure that my arms will take my weight , as near as one can .
18 ‘ And tell her that my party will become an engagement party . ’
19 I think that my comments will be taken by a fair commentator as fairly hostile to the Bill .
20 ‘ It means that my season wo n't start until the first round of the British championship at Knockhill on April 17 , ’ Steve said .
21 ‘ I do n't know who you think you are , ’ she began , deciding to take the initiative , ‘ but I can tell you that my father wo n't be at all pleased with your attitude .
22 All of which you will be tired of hearing but it has been brought about by my great fear that my husband will be taken off by the Brownings once more , this time to France and there is nothing we can do to prevent it they being the masters of our fate .
23 ‘ I anticipate that my husband will be home in about an hour . ’
24 It is precisely on this point that I feel proud and happy and am convinced that my book will survive . "
25 One or two of them might be related to me , but I work on the assumption that my children will have access to most things and personal experience of some .
26 Furthermore , I think that my readers will readily grant that in reality these two phenomena usually go hand-in-hand to create a vicious and self-sustaining circle of growth in state power promoting individual impotence causing more state power , etc .
27 The complacency that the Chief Secretary has just demonstrated is way beyond anything that my constituents will understand .
28 Frankly , my usual braving-the-beach technique is to exude mystery beneath an extravagant sunhat , in the hope that my headgear will divert attention away from my cellulite .
29 I hope that my colleagues will be able to effect what they say they will in respect of part I of the Bill .
30 I am happy to say that my officials will be meeting representatives from the company tomorrow to see what ECGD can do to help in the present confused economic position in the Soviet Union .
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