Example sentences of "[that] [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was the first time she had been able to grant his wish and take him to visit Santa Claus in a large department store , and that made it for her the happiest Christmas she could remember .
2 A more fundamental difficulty with the new examination is contained in the very principle that made it at first sight so attractive — its applicability to the full ability range .
3 I blamed Hilda for it , I felt she had taken away the gamble , the risk that made it worth while .
4 The United States , faced with an allocation problem , began a review of its defensive commitments that led it to the conclusion that in the event of a military confrontation with the Soviet Union in Europe , the resources it could commit to the fledgling NATO alliance would be insufficient .
5 It was this pressure that led it into war in 1967 .
6 It is recommended that this error log is never allowed to grow so large that typing it to the screen takes a significant amount of time .
7 For those who need the ability to carry the phone with them wherever they go , it is also available with an optional transmobile kit that turns it into a transportable cellphone .
8 One might wonder why metaphor so often demands that its work be described in terms of colonization and occupation , and what it is about an initial transportation of meaning that turns it into a conquest or a coercive restructuring .
9 the most important time aspect of a planation surface is from the latest possible time of initiation of the cycle that produced it to the earliest possible time that it ceased being shaped ( i.e. its terminal date ) because of either burial or uplift ;
10 Control F seven , that what causes that Got it in caps .
11 So if we 'd have just carried on the way that was going , I mean , that got it from ninety thousand in just over a year to , to seventy nine thousand in five months .
12 After such training a given element will , when the stimulus is applied , be the target both of external input and of internal input by way of the associative links that connect it to other elements .
13 He realized that accepting it as an office would have meant being pressed into staying late at night talking shop .
14 ‘ The only people doing any laughing are the gypsies that sell it to you , ’ she 'd retort .
15 His stomach seemed to be floating on a rising tide that compressed it against his sternum .
16 The building sits on bearings that isolate it from the ground .
17 For example , does an animal recoil from a naked flame because it can feel the heat or because it can ‘ see ’ the heat — or because it has some completely different sense that alerts it to the danger ?
18 That this was true offered no excuse to the sick , evil , vicious minds that used it as a tool .
19 It should be remembered that Hadley Wood tunnel and the East Coast main line was a favourite haunt of the Deltics that used it for almost all of their working life , so it is not surprising that one of their number should reappear on its familiar route .
20 Like someone in a trance , she gazed at the clasp that fastened it at the throat .
21 It stood , open and scoured , to breathe the air that purified it from any hint of sour milk .
22 The resemblance could be particularly close if breeders were installing some trait that allowed the crop to thrive in a new habitat , or one that shielded it from parasites or diseases .
23 ‘ We can always have ham and tea and whiskey for anybody that wants it in our house .
24 The essential reason for obeying the sovereign power was that keeping it in power was inevitably better for the security of each than the chaos of civil war , or a society without government .
25 It is to require banks to hold capital specifically against market risk — broadly , the chance that the price of a share or a bond or a currency , for example , will fall , and expose the bank that holds it to loss .
26 Astronomers at JTL , afraid of being scooped by the amateurs , put out a press release claiming IRAS discovered it first — but they failed to mention the British team that found it for them .
27 Apologists wishing to stress the harmony between science and religion may gloss over those facets of Christianity as it was that distinguished it from Christianity as they now wish it to be .
28 But it was not only the international flavour of Penguin New Writing that distinguished it from other symposia of this kind ; Lehmann also had an active interest in the visual arts , and in particular promoted the neo-romantics .
29 Camberwell did not have a major industry that distinguished it from other London districts , but it offered sufficient variety of employment to engage a majority of the workforce ; other breadwinners did not have to go far to reach central London .
30 At a time when a good public image is essential for universities , English is unable to explain itself in ways immediately intelligible to the outsider , is notoriously riven with doubts and disagreements that prevent it from having a shared sense of purpose , and may at intervals erupt into crises that attract the wrong sort of publicity .
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