Example sentences of "[that] [verb] [pos pn] life " in BNC.

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1 … We depend on the media for our life-blood , the stream of information , the adventures , the violence , the romance , … the eternal commentary that lines our lives like a loving companion , a double , making sense of it for us. ( 30–1 )
2 But he was a bisexual , and his sexuality was something that coloured his life to a great extent and , along with a chronic alcohol problem , contributed to his decline .
3 She flattered herself this was done discreetly , and was noticed by no-one , though the yearning in her look as she gazed at him would be obvious to a child of five , and the staff made frequent jokes about her loving him with a love that made his life a burden .
4 I know — I know about the monster that haunts your life ! ’
5 He had spent some time alone after talking to her father , had changed his clothes and had a shower , trying to clear his mind of all the stuff of history , the political necessities that ruled their lives , the reasons he must lie .
6 You must always think of him in those terms , to get the flavour of Calvinistic humbug that ruled his life , and therefore everyone around him . ’
7 No amount of friends and laughter could disguise the loneliness and sadness that dogged his life .
8 We turn to wild nature for new crops and new drugs , as well as for the beauty that enriches our lives .
9 The greater the openness of the boundary , the greater the potential capacity to negotiate across it ; the greater the number of open boundaries , the greater the potential power available to the social actors to promote a dialectical relation with the outside world , to actively influence the processes , policies and events that touch their lives Conversely , the fewer open boundaries there are perceived to be and the more closed , the more powerlessness and passivity is likely to be manifest in relation to the outside world .
10 Two families have spoken about how they 're coming to terms with a playgroup accident that changed their lives .
11 After years of suffering severe , debilitating headaches , Janice Walmsley tried a revolutionary new drug that changed her life
12 One trainee on a course for people looking for employment commented that seeing himself on video in a mock interview was an experience that changed his life .
13 My name is Sandra Forsyth and I was just twenty eight when the events took place that changed my life .
14 These are flying beetles that begin their lives in the soil as the familiar white or cream-coloured grubs , fat from feeding on plant roots , horny headed , usually brown in colour , very slow and sluggish moving and curled rather like a large letter C. There are several kinds , from the large cock chafer to the much smaller greenish rose chafer .
15 But his anti-Semitism , although a powerful obsession , was one among many obsessions that governed his life .
16 During the rest hours and at night , he had turned his face to the wall and cried over their shared youth and all the bonds of sun and blowing grass and long evenings full of the sound of tumbling rooks that tied their lives together .
17 The Greeks found this agnostic approach yielded a sense of presence and bliss that transfigured their lives : it gave them the discipline to apprehend a reality infinitely greater than they could conceive , even though at the same time its absence was acutely felt .
18 There are still those tempests that hit my life and would not be around , and would almost swamp me !
19 Another thing that brightened his life was that he changed lodgings on returning to Cape Town , moving to 71 Bree Street , the home of an artist , Freda Lock .
20 Not once has the driver apologised to Noreen for the accident that wrecked her life .
21 The police had been convinced it was a genuine accident that took his life ( and that of his mistress ) but after what she 'd been through , after what she had discovered , Donna could not believe that men willing to kill for the possession of a book had not taken the life of the man she 'd loved .
22 In Leitrim , David Thomson began twin love affairs that took his life along a particular direction — with Phoebe Kirkwood , his young charge ; and with Ireland , later the focus of many of his broadcasts .
23 Prior to getting around to the job I have to do , and that is to honour those men that gave their lives so that we could be free , I 'd like to just share a few things with you as we return to this wonderful country .
24 ‘ All things I have seen in the days of my vanity : there is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness , and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness . ’
25 Simply , that the issues that affect our lives are entirely underpinned by a belief in women 's dubious nature ; their animality , their polluting tendencies , a sense that something might just erupt from the female that is dangerous and needs to be controlled .
26 Many industrialists and people from local authorities on both sides of the political spectrum are saying , ’ We should have more power over the decisions that affect our lives ’ , instead of being subject to arbitrary decision making from institutions down here .
27 And I think that since feminism involves a belief in women 's equality and of women organising and struggling on issues that affect our lives , that the emphasis will vary depending on where we are .
28 Finding a direction and sticking to it is not Pisces ' strongest suit , and the powerful effect of eclipses may well coincide with events that affect your life 's course .
29 Ring it and you 'll hear details about your love life , your money , your career — all the important things that affect your life now and in the future .
30 Ring it and you 'll hear details about your love life , your money , your career — all the important things that affect your life now and in the future .
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