Example sentences of "[that] put her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What 's come out in the in the telephone call which you recorded was that er the father baby she is alleging is actually her own father what do you think do you think that puts her in any danger the fact that you 're making this public that the father may hear this .
2 Lady Grubb had fallen easily into the habit of behaving to her children as if she were some doggedly snobbish godmother , inviting them home every few months to look into their marriage prospects and treating the occasion as if it were a country weekend that put her to a lot of trouble , though her house was actually in the middle of London and fully staffed with unhappy au-pair girls .
3 ‘ You do n't think she could have come across something that put her in danger ? ’
4 ‘ Do you think Nicola could have got hold of something that put her in danger ? ’
5 After all , the inspector himself admitted wondering whether Nicola had learnt or been given something that put her in danger .
6 And that put her in her place you see , and it gave her a position .
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