Example sentences of "[that] hold [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Andy Beckett changes the bobbins on a creel that holds a vast bank of coloured yarns for a Jacquard Axminster loom at BMK .
2 Each territory , comprising six to seven multiple-family houses , has its own ‘ master of the territory ’ , who is the ruwang that holds the supreme position in a loose hierarchy of ruwatu ( pl. ) within it .
3 When Mr , Mrs or Ms Public write to their Ward Councillor to complain about the service , it is the Council that they will see as being responsible , irrespective of the name of the company or voluntary organisation that holds the current service contract .
4 The stretched craft , the ‘ Super 4 ’ , needed a new design of skirt , the flexible rubber structure that holds the supportive air cushion under the hovercraft .
5 If the net encircles , it becomes necessary to fasten it to the top and the bottom of each of the stakes that holds the net erect .
6 Any radial axis setting is by friction fit on the suspension tube that holds the radio-controlled shutter release system , and the camera angle Is similarly preset for each large format exposure before sending aloft .
7 views that hold a good life to be readily achievable only in certain well-defined types of social structure , or only in a society that works concertedly for the realization of certain higher human capacities and the suppression of baser ones , or only given certain types of economic relations among men .
8 Centromeres are portions of the DNA that hold the two halves of a divided chromosome together , and it is reasonable to suppose that the centromeres of a given species would be more like one another than like the centromeres of another species .
9 The bridges are lightweight affairs , complete with handrests ; the six saddles are adjustable for intonation , but for height adjustment you 've got to play with the four screw-legs that hold the whole bridge up .
10 Mr Justice Owen ruled that the government was " entitled and reasonable " to conclude that holding a public enquiry into the scheme was " not expedient " .
11 Notice that holding the intermediate result of a calculation in the accumulator not only shortens the instruction length , but also increases the instruction execution speed , since the access time to a processor register is shorter than to a store location .
12 Long-fingered , sensitive hands that held a seductive promise …
13 This view is shared by Kochan , who argues that only a party with a highly disciplined party with techniques of mass organisation could replace the autocratic system that held a fractured empire together ’ .
14 Now , Maisie 's beloved son had grown much taller , possessed of the broad shoulders of a man , his face having acquired a gaunt handsome profile that held a certain arrogance .
15 ‘ How wonderful it must be never to doubt yourself ! ’ she jeered and turned her back on him , fixing her hair into a loose plait with hands that held a faint tremble .
16 When , pulses racing in a most disturbing manner , she tried to withdraw her arm his grip tightened , and he slanted her a glance from beneath long thick lashes that held a distinct challenge .
17 The overalls were very complicated with lots of zip fasteners , and under the arm there was a leather piece that held a long-bladed knife .
18 With the use of metal detectors they were able to plot an area of 300 metres square that held a large quantity of metal .
19 Loyalty to specific lords was an essential aspect of medieval life , running from the most humble serf , who was virtually a possession or slave , to the bond between vassal and lord that held the entire culture together at the highest levels .
20 Light came through the stained-glass skylights , which were predominantly green and blue , and through a wall of windows of clear glass that held the faintest hint of turquoise .
21 Lisa settled down with the bulldog clip that held the current day 's orders , and Folly picked up the accounts book .
22 This theme was being maintained a year later , by which time it was clear that the incentive that held the greatest attraction for Japanese buyers was still the discount , particularly as the hazards of lifting oil in the Gulf were making insurance so expensive .
23 Caroline tugged at the thin straps that held the red silk up over the generous curve of her breasts , then smoothed down the skirt as if her touch might somehow magically make it extend beyond her thighs .
24 It was this thought that held the British government back from putting Lloyd 's firmly under its thumb during the fraud-ridden years of the late 1970s and early 1980s .
25 His was a dark , autocratic face , with clear-cut features that held an austere masculine beauty .
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