Example sentences of "[that] if i [be] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , you may retort , as did Mr Graham whenever I expounded such a line during those enjoyable discussions by the fire , that if I am correct in what I am saying , one could recognize a great butler as such only after one had seen him perform under some severe test .
2 I feel that if I am not with her I will be making a great mistake , missing a real opportunity .
3 I have this strong fear that if I am just myself , I 'm going to be dull .
4 He said : ‘ I realise I have been the bane of certain UKCC officers ’ lives and I hope that if I am elected I will continue to act as a grain of sand in the oyster .
5 If and in so far as there are any presumptions which assist in my conclusions ( and I instinctively dislike introducing presumptions in reaching a decision of fact as crucial as this ) , the presumption that a state of affairs continues until the evidence suggests that it no longer pertains is more to the point than the submission of Mr. Levy that the sanctity of life is so vital an interest to protect that if I am in any doubt that should take precedence .
6 ‘ I can assure you , ’ he told Tom Driberg , ‘ that if I was left as free a hand in French Indochina and the Netherlands East Indies as I was left in Burma , I could solve both these problems by the same methods ; though it is heartbreaking to have to leave the political control to other nations when we are really in military control . ’
7 By the age of 23 , I 'd starred in a one-man show on Broadway and when the play closed I confronted the truth that if I was n't the star of a play I could n't feed myself .
8 ‘ I said that if I was turfed out by the trade union vote I would see Neil Kinnock and we would then both issue a statement afterwards , ’ he said .
9 ‘ The table I write on , I say , exists , that is , I see and feel it ; and if I were out of my study I should say it existed , meaning thereby that if I was in my study I might perceive it . ’
10 ‘ I realise that if I was to move to South Africa I would be living a completely different existence .
11 At one time I imagined that if I was n't obsessed with food and controlling my weight , if I did n't have a head stuffed full of calorie charts , I would be empty , have nothing to think about , nothing to fill up my life .
12 I knew that if I was with prostitutes it would be very difficult for me to get into the drug community and be accepted . ’
13 Well , I figured that if I was going to have to stick to 55mph all the way to Boston and back , I might as well make the most of it and see as much of the countryside as possible .
14 The man came back to the telephone and said that if I was Linford Christie I was to go in and see them .
15 But then a god-like creature appeared , and I protested to him — her ? — that if I was a monster , then monsters were GOOD creatures — I was good , truly I was — if only someone would kiss me like in fairytales .
16 ‘ I realised that if I was going to switch guitars , I wanted something that had some kind of improvement , rather than just being more or less the same .
17 ‘ I just thought Britain was getting like a treadmill , and that if I was on the spot in the States I 'd be able to chivvy them around a bit more .
18 I 'm sure that if I was still living in England we would n't have got the push that we had on the last album and we would n't have got nominated for a Grammy .
19 People tell me that if I was a bit taller , I 'd be a dead ringer for that Malcolm Allison geezer .
20 The way I look at it is that if I was scoring goals for Juventus we might be conceding more at the other end because I have other responsibilities now . ’
21 And I like to think that if I was anything I was a competitor .
22 ‘ I was extremely happy living there and realised that if I was prepared to leave my home to move to America with Roy it must be love . ’
23 told that it has changed , but at that time , and I know my feeling was left that if I was raped I would n't never go to the police .
24 I have to carry my tetanus card so that if I was er injured and unconscious and not being able to say that I 've had the horse serum , the doctor thinking , Oh look look he 's got lots of soil in that cut , er give him a quick injection of the horse serum , that could actually be fatal .
25 They said that if I was cheeky at Low Newton the screws would just hit me .
26 Trade & Travel kindly gave me a fez ‘ for my daughter ’ , which resulted in a complaint from one colleague that if I was going to invent one offspring why not a few more so that all the staff could have fezzes .
27 So I spent two years in the mother and baby home , then , and decided that if I was going to stay in social work , then I would erm be better a able to help people if I could do it from the theoretical background as well as the feeling erm background er of my own my own personal feelings .
28 But I told myself that if I was ever to be truly frightened , I should have known it before then .
29 I said that if I was going to get into the guitar business , I 'd got to make a highly precision piece — I could n't live with a 32nd or 16th of an inch tolerance and then have some old violin maker filling up the gap with plastic wood , or just leaving a huge crack around the joint as some people do , I had to find a way of making precision wood parts .
30 When we stroll past the front of the van I peep up to check the reaction , and I guess that the two cops hunched inside see these two anxious faces glancing nervously , and they decide it is n't worth climbing out the van for , and I reckon that if I was them I too would lock the doors and stay inside .
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