Example sentences of "[that] she have given " in BNC.

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1 She felt that she had given the whole thing away , that the Hare-woman 's eyes would be able to read all her thoughts from her face and that single word .
2 She passed it off as a joke , furious that she had given herself away .
3 Broadcast on November 23rd , 1982 , the Play for Today , ‘ John David ’ was meticulously balanced in its depiction of the true life dilemma facing the author of the play , Paula Milne , on discovering that she had given birth to a child with Down 's Syndrome .
4 It was in memory of those days that she had given The Bar its first and now largely forgotten name , Babylon .
5 She was detained because the authorities suspected that she had given a Tibetan nationalist flag to a Buddhist monk from Gyurme monastery .
6 Looking at her emaciated body , it was a miracle that she had given birth to him in the first place .
7 At the back of the same red Lion Brand Cash book was a note in his mother 's handwriting to the effect that she had given Peter £1 for pocket money .
8 For the first time since her escape she was very conscious of the fact that she had given birth only a month before and could even fancy she felt a pulling sensation where the fundament stitches had been .
9 It was the first time she had been left on her own and she had managed quite well except that she had given Mrs Prichard , the colliery manager 's wife , short change by mistake .
10 The Magistrate , for example , when told that Mrs Wright had been taken ill , showed no interest whatsoever , and when further informed , a little later , that she had given birth , observed dryly : " I 'm surprised that she had the energy . "
11 In Reg. v. Barrett , 12 J.L.R. 179 , where again the accused applied unsuccessfully for leave to appeal against conviction , the defence contended that the trial judge should have allowed them to see the statement of a witness who had identified the accused at an identification parade 10 days after the commission of the offence , on the ground that , the witness having stated that she had given a description of the accused to the police , the defence were entitled as a matter of law to know the details of that description for the purpose of cross-examining the witness and testing her credibility .
12 I wanted to ask whether she thought her own life unwasted and whether the fact that she had given birth to me was sufficient justification for it .
13 For all the thought that she had given to his ordinary life , Johnny could have been a milkman , for all she cared , or an Insurance broker working in the City , whose daily brush with danger was in trying to cross the road .
14 Feeling that she had given her due of politeness to the curate , the due exacted by her mother and elder sister , she pattered onto Maurice , and , after having a bit of a poke round , shot across the connecting gangplank onto Grace .
15 as if sensing that she had given up fighting him for the present , fitzAlan released her immediately , frowning down at her distraught face .
16 In a series of radio interviews on May 8 Annie Murphy revealed that she and Casey had embarked on a love affair in Ireland in 1973 and that she had given birth to his child two years later .
17 Since she was sixteen she had experienced life , and none of it had been good , except that she had given birth to a daughter and also that she had found out what love was , but had experienced the painful futility of it .
18 Had n't he understood that she had given herself to him for the only reason that made any sense to her .
19 What was even more satisfying was knowing that she had given him that same lesson , not once but twice , this morning when she 'd stunned him by agreeing to see his grandmother on her own time , and last night , when she 'd turned away his advances , and never mind all that pretence about his not being interested .
20 She did n't realise that she 'd given me the greatest gift of all .
21 The frustration of what she could only identify as love for him , plus the fact that she 'd given herself to him so completely , mixed with her suspicion that he was still using her in some way to further his own undisclosed purposes , had engendered a turmoil of emotions within her , among which , she was ashamed and horrified to realise , lurked a certain impulse to exercise violence on his person .
22 I mean I remembered some of it , I , I remember hearing something that she 'd given some bits downstairs
23 I congratulate my right hon. Friend on the carefully targeted aid that she has given to Zambia in recent years .
24 ‘ What matters is that she has given us the most glorious production we have ever had at Hochhauser .
25 I 've got this feeling that she has given it to Sophie
26 Did I say that she 's given me the diary ? ’
27 Medical confidentiality you 're you 're just sitting there with bloody a private conversation we that I went for treatment with my doctor , and and the recommendations that she 's given me in , well well what 's the point er what er what 's going on ?
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