Example sentences of "[that] she [vb past] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The combat suit evaporated the perspiration that she felt springing out of her pores , but her face was blazing , as if she was staring into a furnace .
2 I had to find her a flat , move her in , go to the Electricity Board , and then her husband Monica 's one of those who need a mother , someone who takes her on An idea came into Alice 's head of such beautiful and apt simplicity that she began laughing quietly to herself .
3 Joseph noticed that she avoided passing close to the iron grilles closing off the between-deck areas of the ship and when she reached the stern she gazed into the jungle for a moment , then closed her eyes and lifted her face to the gentle warmth of the morning sun .
4 The women 's stories and miseries haunted her , filled her dreams ; the desperation of their situations made Carolyn herself feel trapped and frantic , so that she dreaded going to the Refuge and was tongue-tied when her help was most needed .
5 Only gradually did it emerge that she was rather a miniature whirlwind , perhaps an inch shorter even than Charlotte , but so slender that she escaped looking like a pocket edition .
6 It was during Act Four , Scene One that she went missing .
7 Kate sat quite still , trying hard not to let the panic that she felt overwhelm her so that she ran screaming out into the still hot afternoon .
8 She admitted later that she came thinking this was just some hare-brained scheme , but left with the understanding that it was a well-thought-out and well-planned idea .
9 Her hands were shaking so much that she kept dropping things on the floor .
10 She was carrying a bag of shopping that she kept moving from one hand to the other .
11 I found that after 2 hours of playing the small adventure game called Wumpus my friends youngest child lost all her worries about pressing the wrong key , except that she kept falling down the cavern when she did .
12 The only thing he knew for certain was that the law forbade the Trunchbull to hit him with the riding-crop that she kept smacking against her thigh .
13 She pressed , glad now that she kept forgetting to take her simularity contact lenses out .
14 The mother herself appears to have thought so , for she later stated that she regretted having taken that step at that time .
15 It was a finely worked piece of silver and obviously of great value ; but while she admired it and felt honoured to receive it , Sara could not honestly say that she enjoyed having its chain about her neck .
16 She had to admit that she found swimming ‘ a bit boring really ’ but there was the possibility of shared recreation .
17 And there was still something about the place 's atmosphere that she found unnerving .
18 For Laura , work had now become an end in itself ; although some of her colleagues began to describe her as a workaholic it was more that she found working a pleasurable state .
19 Jinny was so amazed that she stopped speaking in the middle of a sentence and let him say goodbye and make their apologies all over again .
20 Vacations had proved such a strain that she stopped going home at all in the end , applying for any holiday jobs which offered accommodation .
21 The shock was such that she stopped crying immediately , but what was worse , she stopped crying at home as well and felt simply awful , physically and mentally , until able to cry again .
22 It 's hardly ever reported in the Third World and er taking the facts that we 've just been talking about into account , it would be tempting to see anorexia as related to conflicts about the beginning of a young woman 's reproductive life because what normally happens is , and has certainly happened in the only case of this that occurred in my family , the young woman in question lost so much weight that she stopped cycling and in fact erm puberty changes went into reverse , she actually regressed , she started puberty and er she had this anorexia problem and she stopped cycling and , and all her body changes reversed , she went back to pre-puberty again erm because of oh no , oh no it did n't , she lost her body hair and stuff yeah , er her , her , her hormonal changes .
23 It was only later on that she started protesting strongly , and by then it was too late , he was close to coming .
24 It was only when she was deprived of her and was frantic with worry that she started behaving in an irresponsible way towards society .
25 It was at this time that she started painting seriously .
26 Not that she intended trying to leave — she had nowhere to go .
27 Not that she intended accepting any favours from him , but she knew he was booked in for two nights , which gave her time to return his hospitality if she could not manipulate tonight into a Dutch treat .
28 It was only partly that she disliked breaking arrangements , more that she wanted to let Cobalt see she was alive and well .
29 She enjoyed it so much that she fancied celebrating her next birthday with a Concorde flight to New York .
30 It really would be very much more practical to have her hair cut , she told herself severely for the umpteenth time , but the simple truth was that she liked having her hair long , loved the feeling of the heavy silken strands on her skin .
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