Example sentences of "[that] they do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 that John Lewis does n't publish its erm most of its charitable giving either and that they done quite a lot
2 Having appealed against East Herts ' refusal of listed building consent , they withdrew from a public inquiry at a late stage after their intended expert witness informed them that they did not have a strong enough case .
3 While Wasps could relax and enjoy their Goldington Road romp , Bedford learned nothing that they did not know already .
4 Sir : In your interesting article ( 30 September ) about the sale to the British Library by Lord Norwich ( for a sum left tantalisingly undisclosed ) of Evelyn Waugh 's letters to his late mother , Lady Diana Cooper , the library 's curator of modern literary manuscripts , a Ms Brown , was quoted as follows : I am sure that they did not have a physical affair .
5 Alington allowed him and two other canons to introduce the daily sacrament on condition that they did not expect it to be part of the cathedral 's official usage .
6 When they arrived at Auckland Alexander asked them for the silver and his Presence was such that they did not dare to tell him that they had no silver , so Joan said that it was ‘ in the bank ’ .
7 We know that they did not see Jungle Book and Popeye was the supporting item for Peter Pan .
8 The mutineers , all members of an elite scout-ranger regiment , marched to a nearby army camp , defiantly saying that they did not surrender to the government .
9 The mutineers , all members of an elite scout-ranger regiment , marched to a nearby army camp , defiantly saying that they did not surrender to the government .
10 It is to Bridgend 's credit , their pack and the battling scrum-half Kevin Ellis , that they did not wilt when others would have submitted .
11 Particularly in their polemical passages they have a freshness and directness , such assurance that the world is now their oyster , that it is easy to forget that they did not go uncriticized .
12 But this does not mean that they did not face the troublesome question Berkeley faces , of how to distinguish between illusion and reality .
13 For years nurses had wanted special pay arrangements which recognized that they did not take industrial action in pursuit of their pay claims .
14 Government recognized that nurses did not take strike action and believed that it was right to have a system of pay determination which meant that they did not lose by that policy .
15 The group went round the course for month after month but wisely came to the conclusion yet again that they did not intend to alter the basis of the health service .
16 Analyses of Chinese statues and coins show that they did not make much use of brass until about the sixteenth century AD .
17 In his school career , Gazzer had given a great deal of time , energy , and thought to getting round various people , to making sure that they did not take out their boredom , frustration or spite on him , the most obvious victim , the smallest and puniest boy in the class .
18 And Gaily took her quick reply for unwillingness , too , and decided that they did not know one another well enough yet to ask such questions , such casual , family questions , as between friends .
19 It was vital that they did not think he had actually seen what he was about to say Robert had seen when the electric light flooded the converted attic .
20 ( Both subsequently maintained , too , that they did not know . )
21 The point he missed was that they did not tax because they did not need to tax ; he despised the Scottish crown for its failure to collect the infamous taille , but this had , after all , been introduced to France only because of the need to finance military expeditions .
22 He was at times ordered to aid and supervise the royal huntsmen by leading them to those parts of the forest where the game was most plentiful , o supplying them with trained hounds , and seeing that they did not drive the deer out of the forest or continue their hunting longer than their instructions warranted .
23 Sometimes the king allowed subjects to take deer for themselves in his forests ; the warden 's duty was to see to it that they had a proper writ of warranty when they came to his forest , that they did not take more than the specified number , and that they took them in the prescribed manner .
24 Andrew Collins QC , for the prosecution , said the papers , which include correspondence between a minister and senior civil servants , were immune from disclosure on the grounds of public interest , and that they did not contain any material relevant to the case anyway .
25 Three or four weeks ago , everyone watched the first wobbles of his journey with a critical eye , so critical , in fact , that they did not notice when he picked up speed later .
26 Similarly , the Prevention of Terrorism Act requires bankers to prove that they did not know that a client 's funds were serving terrorism .
27 That they did not want to be wage slaves in a factory .
28 These included exemptions granted to the new water companies by the DoE , so that they did not have to comply with EC rules .
29 This is an interesting monument because the architect , Rodolfo Vantini , who completed the work in 1828 , wanted to get away from the conventional Roman triumphal arch , ( a decision said to have been as much due to the local inhabitants complaining that they did not want their view of the Lombardian Pre-Alps blocked as to any creative urge ) .
30 Emboldened by their own good fortune , the Maronites even argued that they did not need their Syrian saviours in the streets of Christian east Beirut .
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