Example sentences of "[that] they [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do not claim any more for these criteria than that they raise at least the possibility of a belief being affirmable .
2 Now the audit industry was in favour of that at the time because it saw itself as able to get its fingers into local authority audit so they were prepared to accept that they could do it then , it 's only now er when it 's proposed on what 's been their traditional prerogatives , they er er they audit of banks and private sector er er companies that they balk at the proposition and say ooh it 's horrendous we ca n't do it .
3 ( 1981 ) list 15 predictions that they derive from their conditioned attention theory and point out that many of these have received empirical confirmation .
4 Homology between DRP and dystrophin extends over their entire length , suggesting that they derive from a common ancestral gene .
5 One is led to ask whether it is the attention to and general nature of such claims that first needs explaining , especially when it appears that they derive from such a specific social group , namely those in a western academic sub-culture who could arguably be said to have their own interests at stake .
6 The answer to the question whether motivation arousal patterns derive from one 's past or from the situation in which one finds oneself is that they derive from both .
7 One reason for them being so common is that they reproduce at a high rate , and their high reproduction rate is one of the main topics of this chapter .
8 All the same , solitary bucks — if they can find no existing holes to make use of — will sometimes scratch out short tunnels for shelter , although it is not work that they tackle at all seriously .
9 Now she and Philip create designer jewellery in their spare time that they sell through galleries and museums in Britain and America .
10 ‘ The programme enables pupils to gain practical experience of the world of work , ’ she said ‘ and we hope that they return to school more confident and mature and better equipped to make informed decisions about their future . ’
11 Many people find that they return to the same company over and over again , or take up a permanent job offer at a place they have been working for a while .
12 In addition they are improving the environment that they return to when tools are downed each evening .
13 Party loyalty is by no means an irrelevant factor in explaining and predicting the behaviour of congressmen , but on any issue that they perceive to be contentious within their districts nobody expects a member of Congress to put party before district .
14 But there are erm others who , for whom teaching is the major aspect and the major important role that they perceive for themselves erm but there is always a balance and on balance , taken over the whole system , I should think that most people spend fifty or sixty per cent of their time on research .
15 With the first morning pull the dogs become so excited that they shit within metres .
16 It is by no means clear that many newcomers are even aware of the feelings that they arouse from time to time in the local population .
17 Ullman therefore suggests ( contra empiricists and Piaget ) that a baby — or , one might add , a kingfisher — can see that two appearances are views of one and the same object even if it has never seen that sort of object before , and even if it has no tactile or manipulative evidence suggesting that they pertain to one and the same thing .
18 He even posed for the newspaper photographers , insisting only that they refrain from taking behind-the-bars type pictures .
19 African countries would be well advised to refuse many of the pesticides that they receive for free , according to a scientist from the US Environmental Protection Agency .
20 Will my hon. Friend join me in paying tribute to Mr. Martyn Rands , chairman of Basildon commuters ' club — and to his hard-working committee — who met my hon. Friend this morning and presented him with a petition , signed by 5,000 people in my constituency , complaining about the disgraceful service that they receive on the Fenchurch Street line ?
21 The good standing of the exams , and thus — in the long run — of the profession itself , depends heavily on individuals ' willingness to put something back into the qualification from which they have benefited , and on the support that they receive in this endeavour from their employing organisations .
22 The announcements made by the Minister for Overseas Development a few minutes ago about the food situation were welcome , but people in Africa are starving and the terms of trade that they receive in their dealings with the developed countries , the problem of their huge indebtedness to the developed countries and the world order over which we now preside are such that hundreds of millions of people live on the edge of catastrophe .
23 It is to the shame of this Tory government that er er our senior citizens have to struggle to feed and clothe themselves and to try to keep warm , and as inadequate pensions that they receive from this government if you compare the way in the other European countries what they get and what the British government gives to our old age pensioners , our senior citizens they 're more they 're worse off than actually second class citizens .
24 that they receive from the rest of the taxpayers .
25 That is not a retrospective or prescriptive but a descriptive process and will allow the citizens of this country to measure the standards of service that they receive from their local authorities .
26 When adult the males are larger as are their dorsal and oral fins in that they reach beyond the base of the tail whereas the fins of the female barely reach this point , or even stop short .
27 If the process of nursing is seen as a problem-solving activity in which the nurse acts on her own initiative generating her own solutions , rather than one in which she repeats ready-made solutions ; and if the reasoning of the cognition theorists is accepted as valid ; then the teaching of nursing should be organised in such a way that the student not only acquires the necessary knowledge and skills , but does so in such a way that they develop in her flexible cognitive structures .
28 So as much as the reviewers ' preferences shine through , I still feel that they review without prejudice .
29 The Home Office and the House must strike a balance between preserving the liberty of the citizen and protecting the lives of police men and police women who are the only protection available to ordinary citizens against people who carry knives and who will stab and kill without regard for the misery that they inflict on their fellow citizens .
30 Hankies , me mam was on about the bogeys that they pull on the , back behind their bikes
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