Example sentences of "[that] you have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It means that you have discovered some foods that do n't really suit your body at the moment .
2 Once again this week you need to do the following in preparation for the " Grand Review " : review your weight loss record any reactions you experienced make a note of any foods you have discarded note the positive drinks or foods that you have discovered .
3 And she 's delighted that you have accepted the invitation to address the European Commission on the subject in Dublin .
4 Sir Reginald also told me that on one occasion when there was suspicion of corruption about a certain appointment , he had called U Saw to him and said , ‘ I hear that you have accepted Rs5,000 for this appointment .
5 They know that you are not trying to portray yourself as a know-all , that you have accepted being ‘ only human ’ .
6 If you think that we should now give another proof of the same length to show that the possibility that a\c leads to the conclusion that b is a unit , you have cheated yourself in that you have accepted the statement " WLOG we can suppose a\b " above as a valid one when you do n't even understand what it says !
7 You now realise that you have accepted a secondary role and sacrificed too much , whilst three of the planets in Capricorn signify that , regardless of the consequences , you must break out .
8 Well if they 're consistently it 's amazing that you have accepted something , er actually moved in our direction this evening .
9 You may need to give boiled water to compensate for fruit juices or other extra liquids that you have withdrawn .
10 This is probably too introspective ( i.e. self-critical ) to be included in a real-life report , but it is a genuine problem none the less , and you need to show that you have recognized it as such .
11 The conclusion must confront the title with your main point or argument to show that you have satisfied the question .
12 Like elastic bands wound up , feelings of inadequacy or guilt , or just knots in the stomach , are indications that you have touched a basic tension .
13 If there is no improvement , then you should try eliminating all the other suspect foods that you have listed .
14 Now what was the first property metals that you have listed What 's the first property in metals that you came to ?
15 We thank you , Lord , for those that You have gifted to be teachers of your Word and ministers in Your church .
16 First , check to see that you have placed the pickup so that the piezo blocks are placed centrally , one under each string .
17 We pray especially for those that You have placed in close proximity to us ; our relatives ; our neighbours ; those we meet day by day .
18 We praise you for the way that you have assigned these to the craftsmen of all kinds who have been involved .
19 If you think that you have suffered as a result of sex or race discrimination , the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Commission for Racial Equality are in a position not only to advise but also , if appropriate , to give financial backing if there is no viable alternative to mounting a legal challenge to your employer 's behaviour .
20 The onus is upon you to show that you have suffered loss and , if you have suffered no loss because your job would have ended in any event , there will be a nil award .
21 In practice , you will seldom find it easy to show that you have suffered in that way and , in particular , you are not entitled to compensation to reflect the emotional distress than an unjust dismissal may well cause both you and your family .
22 We are pleased , Khan , that you have suffered no injury .
23 When treating illness in children there are two very good signs that you have hit on the correct remedy : firstly , if the child vomits shortly after having the remedy , assuming he was not already vomiting all the time !
24 Find a way to let this person ( who could be your partner ) know that you love them and that you have forgiven them .
25 They make ideal starters as a warm dish always makes your guests feel that you have made an effort , yet they are very quick and easy to prepare .
26 Finally , assuming that you have made it to the right starting line in plenty of time , wearing the right kit and your race number , and are facing the correct way when the cannon sounds , there is just one last piece of essential advice : do n't panic !
27 Can you put your hand on your heart and say that you have made it plain what he or she is allowed to do ( hopefully not unnecessarily restrictive ) and what he or she should not do ?
28 As an example , let us imagine that you have made your request/command in the manner described on page 66 .
29 I think that you have made the magazine more interesting , more satirical and funnier than it has been this century .
30 NOW that you have made the decision to build a conservatory , do you opt for wood , PVC or an aluminium frame ?
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