Example sentences of "[that] he think it " in BNC.

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1 He said that he thought it wrong to encourage a military spirit , and that it was contrary to the ideals of disarmament .
2 Garbett said that he thought it would be right to go to London , for the sake of the Church ; that he longed for him to come to York , for the sake of himself , he wanted Ramsey as his successor .
3 He was entranced by all that he thought it meant , the warm curve of young lips , the gentle gleam of understanding in the steady eyes .
4 Ghorbanifar told Ledeen that he thought it would be much better to ‘ leave the hostages aside ’ .
5 He recorded in his diary that he thought it represented such a threat to the good name of politicians that a special regulatory authority should be set up to stop the BBC ever doing anything so wicked again .
6 If Vincent had rejected a place on the scheme , then it was certain that he thought it would fail .
7 Her father came up and listened for a while and then said that he thought it was all marvellous but he did n't understand a word of it .
8 In spite of his plans , as late as January 1938 Hitler told Colonel Beck that he considered the Danzig arrangements binding , that he thought it possible to accommodate Poland and that he had no territorial claims to make .
9 With regard to the foundation on which his advocacy of the primacy was based , it can be summed up by saying that he thought it was an integral part of the rights of the church committed to his care , testified to by the living members of the community and the tradition which they inherited .
10 Of the remaining seven , three were imprisoned before they could contact the Council , two were afraid that they might be recognised walking into the Council 's offices , one had a ‘ habit so big ’ that he thought it would be a waste of time , and one had never heard of the service .
11 He had great hopes for it , and told an American friend that he thought it his best to date .
12 Within Dotty 's hearing a home pirate remarked that he thought it had all been a storm in a teacup .
13 What had happened was that Syl had , one evening , flushed with wine , remarked that he thought it would be a good idea if we got married .
14 Someone touched his elbow so timidly that he thought it had been accidental , until the gesture was repeated with more insistence .
15 Nor did he say that he thought it was unlikely , on the whole , that the Bishop would sack a perfectly competent administrator who happened not to be smarmy enough to some thruster from the Scottish lowlands .
16 However , Reichel himself claimed that he did not know the true reason for his dismissal , saying that he thought it might be due to disagreements over scientific policy .
17 Mhm , he did actually say that he thought it was highly unlikely
18 Well I did think about it but the Careers Officer advised me no cos he thought that you have to be really really good before y get in and he asked me if I thought I was really good and I said that well I was not too bad but and he said that he thought it would be better to concentrate on something else .
19 Asked for his views on the future of the offensive , the Crown Prince said , however , that he thought it should continue .
20 Steve Goodwin is The Drummer From Cud and he 's pretending that he thinks it 's a really cool joke ha ha ha that both he and the band he loves have become a synonym for wanky indie crap .
21 He says that he thinks it would be a pity if Dowty 's fell into the hands of TI
22 He says that he thinks it 's unlikely that it will hit ; in fact there 's less than a one in 10,000 chance .
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