Example sentences of "[that] he [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 The original recipients of Hilton 's text , however , as is clear from the very fact that he wrote for them in the vernacular , were not interested in comparative academic study , but in particular guidance which would enable them to fully integrate their religious faith in their lives .
2 Brunel , in fact , was advised by Gainsborough executives that continued attendance at the society 's screenings would damage the reputation of the films , such as The Vortex and Blighty , that he made for them .
3 On the assumption that the account of this event in Molla Husrev 's life is at least broadly correct , however , and in the light of the documentary and such other evidence as exists , it would appear that he left for Bursa not earlier than Rajab 876 nor later than Shawwal 877 and returned to become Mufti perhaps as early as 878/1473–4 .
4 It was unfortunate that he returned for a short time but this was necessary in order for him to complete training prior to deploying on an operational tour . ’
5 Beaverbrook told a meeting of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers on 10 May about his discussions with Berle the previous month , and that he hoped for Commonwealth agreement before an international conference .
6 This is so with the statement that he hoped for a seat in the stalls for under £10 .
7 Referring to the effect of the new deployment on Saddam Hussein 's policy , Bush commented that he hoped for sanctions to work within a two-month period , but that " if this movement of forces is what convinces him [ of the need to comply with UN resolutions ] , so much the better " .
8 He told a Coombe Lodge conference that he hoped for a curtailment of the role of the CNAA , and that the polytechnics would be bound to have Charters in the long run .
9 Those that he produced for sale through the Redfern Gallery were usually printed in editions of fifty and include Thames-side , Bull Fight , Spain , Tropical Landscape , Horse Guards in their Dressing Rooms at Whitehall and Working Men 's College , this last relating to his association with the Working Men 's College in Crowndale Road , Mornington Crescent , where he gave a lecture , ‘ The Painter 's Intention ’ , in 1952 , taught lithography and also acted as Art Adviser .
10 Because , however much his words might deny that he cared for her , his actions spoke differently .
11 For , proving that he cared for his family every bit as much as it had seemed , he said , ‘ Hello , Travis , come in .
12 She knew he cared , he showed it , but he would n't say the things she wanted to hear — that he cared for her to the exclusion of all others , and wanted her in his life to the exclusion of all others .
13 The desire that he felt for Bowler , and which he admitted to David Tindle while this portrait was in progress , is made palpable in the finished work through the gentle , even pressure of the dusky light as it falls on the sitter 's head , hands and feet .
14 He leaned forward once again , subjecting her to the unnerving illusion of being pinned by his shadow , trapped and oppressed by it , as if it carried physical weight , composed of all that he felt for her , lust and contempt .
15 Sarazen was so sure that Daniels had been the key to his win that he asked for the old boy to be with him when he was presented with the claret jug , saying it was a ‘ team victory ’ .
16 The other thing is that he asked for his family .
17 The king was astonished that he asked for so little , and readily agreed .
18 in his arms and treat and Mr Bumble rushed into the room with great excitement and addressed the gentleman in the high chair said I beg your pardon sir , Oliver Twist has asked for more , there was a for more said compose yourself Bumble and do I understand that he asked for more after he 'd eaten supper he did sir replied Bumble , that boy would be hung I know that boy will be hung
19 Although Kirk does not record that he raised any specific objection to this , or that he asked for confirmation that the Cossacks were all Soviet nationals within the terms of allied policy , he nevertheless includes the exchanges about the Cossacks among the points on which he requests the State Department 's views .
20 She sat on one of the longest-haired mats , draped the dogs around her , and catechized him about Fred with an insistence that he took for childishness .
21 It was to the Carlton as well as the Whip 's Office that Robert Sanders went to hear the news and discuss political events , and it was to the Carlton too that he went for recreation when the business of the House was too tedious to be borne any longer .
22 We took his four- poster bed down that he wanted taking down that he cherished for some peculiar reason , and then we moved all the other bits of furniture , and as we w were sort of getting most of the furniture out of the first bedroom he said Do n't forget the loft will you ?
23 He got him to hospital and the doctors said that he lived for 70 minutes , but he was dead by the time we got there .
24 The certificate shows that he served for 7 years 71 days as a private ; 2 years 310 days as a corporal ; and 10 years 349 days in the rank of sergeant .
25 Garbett said that he thought it would be right to go to London , for the sake of the Church ; that he longed for him to come to York , for the sake of himself , he wanted Ramsey as his successor .
26 ‘ Perhaps not , ’ Travis agreed , then said how he 'd dearly love to ring Rosemary at her parents ' home , but that he knew for sure that he could definitely give up even the frail hope he had left of sharing his life with Rosemary if he did that .
27 There are rumours that he disappeared for nine years in Elfland ! ’
28 In spite of the headset that he wore for the flight , his ears were still ringing when he climbed down from the helicopter .
29 In it the pope said nothing about homage , and argued temperately against lay investitures , minimizing their importance , and denying that he sought for himself any increase of authority or any diminution of the king 's due power .
30 BRITAIN 'S loudest man revealed yesterday that he competed for the title after neighbours complained about his singing in the bath .
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