Example sentences of "[that] he [vb past] up " in BNC.

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1 He liked the Latin name so much that he made up a sort of rhyme about it and chanted this as he went upstairs :
2 On Monday , when Sara had left the house early to see to things in two of the toy shops on the other side of the county , he could find nothing at home that he felt up to doing .
3 The fact is that he blew up badly . ’
4 One of the best descriptions of the landscape of Madeira is that given by White and Johnson ( Madeira. : Its Climate and Scenery , 1860 ) : ‘ When Columbus was asked by Queen Isabella to give her some notion of the configuration of Jamaica , it is said that he took up a sheet of paper , and after crushing it in his hand , partly opened it out ; then placing it on the table , he told her Majesty that she would derive a better idea of the island from the crumpled paper than from any description conveyed in words .
5 It 's a problem that so enraged Martin Cutts of Words at Work that he took up a challenge to rewrite one .
6 It was only in 1946 that he came up with a practical scheme for using the manyattas for higher purposes .
7 And that was an alternative that he came up with for the erm er for the front cover .
8 ‘ It could be inferred from the date of university graduation , provided of course , that he went up at the usual time . ’
9 Anyway I went to see Foxy at lunchtime and erm and he said that erm er and I mentioned it to him and I said you know do n't go up to Sal and say Jess is feeling like erm you know , feeling that he 's , feeling really jealous because er if , if Sal is trying to get back that will just like please him , you know , if he is trying , if that 's the whole aim of the whole , you know , the operation then , then he 'll just feel pleased and it will also embarrass Jessica and she does n't want and if , and if it 's not , if it was nothing , you know , she 'll feel embarrassed so please do n't say anything and he said no no I 'll just make some subtle , subtle comment and he went up to , he told me that he went up to Sal and he goes erm and he says how 's everything going with Jessica and Sal goes yeah it 's good and , and he go erm cos er Phil erm cos Foxy goes oh cos it 's , it 's going really well with me and Catriona , it 's going really well I 'm really enjoying it , what about you , you know , and Sal goes yeah , it 's really good and Foxy goes erm you know is it , is it a long term thing then , you looking for a long term thing do you think and Sal goes yeah , what about you and Foxy goes yeah yeah definitely yeah , you know , cos he was doing it subtly so I came back and I said to Jess you know really , an and Foxy said there was nothing strange about , it was no f you know it was definitely to fe s f erm Sal was er you know being truthful , there was not like erm yeah well yeah you know and trying to get off the subject , it was n't it was completely , yeah , it 's brilliant , going really well , really enjoying it and it 's gon na be long term sort of thing .
10 In this way he even controverts the view that he lived up to the feared role of private sector financial disciplinarian when he brought qualified accountants for the first time into the head office .
11 Erm , had , he was very happy with it , and he was so happy that he tossed up , obviously it turned to be inexpendible small child , erm , who was promptly decapitated by this fan , which is , I mean , it 's a terrible story .
12 And , you would n't mind but it was last minute that he rung up !
13 Despite the presence in his army of southern leaders — the Life of Wilfrid says that he stirred up ‘ all ’ the southern kingdoms — Wulfhere was defeated by Ecgfrith c .
14 but erm it 's good that he kept up with everyone , they are really good friends and he can really rely on them , they 're all really decent
15 It was there that he met up with William 's younger brother John — they were contemporaries , having both been born in the same year — and began a friendship that ended only with John 's death in 1793 .
16 There was such a long silence that he looked up from his plate .
17 that he got up , and followed it ,
18 Each time that he got up to speak at a meeting , they would chant the lines in unison with him — even correcting his lapses of memory — until the predicted riot broke out .
19 He believed that he got up and felt his feet sink through the floor while the music from down below came up like vapour and was breathed rather than heard .
20 More to him perhaps than the relief afforded by the crude sex was the fact that he woke up in the meagre home of a real working woman , warm like a picture by Chardin ; ‘ a wooden floor with a mat and a piece of old crimson carpet , an ordinary kitchen stove , a chest of drawers , a large simple bed . ’
21 Well you see , what Freud had to explain here was how he could have had such a long dream when the dreamer reported that he woke up more or less instantly from the stimulus of something hitting him on the back of the neck .
22 Where the inner band had stuck to the hair all around the sides and back , she had to chop the hair off right to the skin so that he finished up with a bald white ring round his head , like some sort of a monk .
23 He is indeed ‘ the most political of all our poets ’ and this is hardly surprising when we remember that he grew up in an age of Revolution .
24 Lit. like a child in a toyshop — so reluctant to choose one item to the exclusion of others that he ended up empty-handed .
25 He was knocked around so much by his father that he ended up with a crooked leg , but he must have had some courage , because he was the only one of his clutch to survive .
26 Lit. like a child in a toyshop — so reluctant to choose one item to the exclusion of others that he ended up empty-handed .
27 It 's no secret now that he hooked up with Oliver North and Bill Casey of the CIA in an effort to trace the hostages — all of them unaware that the DIA , through Tony Asmar 's network , already knew where they were .
28 In his memoirs , ‘ My Web of Time ’ , the Reverend R H Gallagher notes that he gave up his car in 1939 on the outbreak of war and never had another afterwards .
29 Commenting on his sexual abstinence Erik Erikson writes : ‘ It is of importance here that he gave up sexual intimacy for a wider communal intimacy and not just because sexuality seemed immoral in any Calvinistic sense .
30 Such was his disillusionment that he gave up the practice of medicine for a while and supported himself and his growing family by undertaking translation work , at the same time pursuing his chemical and botanical studies .
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