Example sentences of "[that] he [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly give them , yeah and I said Joan will tell you not only does her but the table that he sits on and the wall around it ,
2 The carer stands with her legs on either side of the patient 's knees , places her hands under the patient 's seat , pulls his body-weight forward and in one movement lifts his pelvis and pivots him so that he sits down onto the chair .
3 The extraordinary thing about Greene is that he wrote over decades and changed so fluently from a pre-war to a post-war writer .
4 He liked the Latin name so much that he made up a sort of rhyme about it and chanted this as he went upstairs :
5 The one point that he left out of his speech was the recognition that the measures have been welcomed by the principals of the colleges concerned .
6 In terms of Greater York and its th the York greenbelt I think it 's true to say that er some time ago when David Kaiserman of Manchester did research on greenbelts he came to the view , or he came up with the conclusions from his questionnaires that he sent round , and that study was done , must be ten , fifteen years ago or more , that greenbelts should endure unchanged for at least twenty years , and probably in excess of thirty , and those were the responses of county planning and other major planning authorities at that time , that view if anything has hardened , the public view would be way beyond thirty years .
7 Tories aching for fizz have to accept the meat and two veg reality ; and they may remember that , in the fable , Jupiter grew so tired of the frogs complaining about their uninspiring King Log that he sent down a replacement , King Stork , who ate them all .
8 The defendant must show that he sent out adequate instructions .
9 Bunny was so choked at what he termed veiled inferences and an unfair proportioning of blame that he stalked out of Rose 's office .
10 The long sentences in Swift 's ironic essay in support of cannibalism are explicable as a stylistic expression of the persona he adopts in order to intensify the impact of his outrageous proposal : in Corbett 's words , we seem to be " listening to a man who is so filled with his subject , so careful about qualifying his statements and computations , so infatuated with the sound of his own words , that he rambles on at inordinate length " The greater the range and size of the corpus which acts as a relative norm , the more valid the statement of relative frequency .
11 I suppose we thought Vic must have said try it this way because Matt and I were already into our quarrel and it shows what a pro he was to his fingertips that he carried on as per normal .
12 The social worker might hold that the client 's general conduct towards him indicated that she would not object to this action ( implied consent ) ; that he carried out the act in good faith as to its consolatory and therapeutic implication ; or ( perhaps less validly ) that the relationship was sufficiently close to allow a gesture of endearment without sexual implication or threatening content .
13 It is a penalty if it was not a genuine attempt by the parties to pre-estimate the likely damages but was intended to hang in terror over one party to ensure that he carried out the contract .
14 Er , it strikes me with the , with the comedy , he 's trying to be so funny that he shoots off at all these angles and not having
15 On Monday , when Sara had left the house early to see to things in two of the toy shops on the other side of the county , he could find nothing at home that he felt up to doing .
16 In July the Eliots travelled up to Leeds , and although he had a mild infection in August he said that he felt in much better health .
17 Charles 's territories could already have been described as an empire , in the sense that he ruled over a collection of different political units held together by the allegiance his subjects felt they owed him rather than through a sense of common institutions or common language which could serve as the foundation for a unifying national spirit .
18 One reason that he ruled out was the argument , derived from earlier cases , that fights in public should be prohibited because they tend to create disorder .
19 The retention of these two was widely interpreted as a move by the future government to counterbalance the influence of President Augusto Pinochet Ugarte , who had resisted requests from Aylwin that he step down for his post of Commander in Chief of the Army [ see p. 37117 ] .
20 According to a report in the Independent of Sept. 17 Dharsono 's release was " a gesture of appeasement " by Suharto to groups within the military which had demanded that he step down at the end of his fifth term .
21 Dougal reached for it so quickly that he knocked over one of his candles .
22 Dempsey had tried to take on two dogs that he knocked out his tooth .
23 The fact is that he blew up badly . ’
24 If Philip Leapor 's mother was indeed the woman who died in 1726 , it is reasonable to believe that he took over a house which she had occupied , and leased a separate piece of ground for his nursery .
25 One of the best descriptions of the landscape of Madeira is that given by White and Johnson ( Madeira. : Its Climate and Scenery , 1860 ) : ‘ When Columbus was asked by Queen Isabella to give her some notion of the configuration of Jamaica , it is said that he took up a sheet of paper , and after crushing it in his hand , partly opened it out ; then placing it on the table , he told her Majesty that she would derive a better idea of the island from the crumpled paper than from any description conveyed in words .
26 It 's a problem that so enraged Martin Cutts of Words at Work that he took up a challenge to rewrite one .
27 Mr Morrison says that he took on the job ‘ because they said that it would be difficult but it had to be done and that 's what appealed to me ’ .
28 Close examination of the film shows that he took off well before it ; he was not under pressure and had no apparent reason to panic .
29 The general legend is that he took off from Twinwood 's airfield , flew over the channel and was lost over the channel ; his plane iced up .
30 What is striking is that Peada was baptized by Fínán , Aidan 's successor as bishop of Lindisfarne , at Ad Murum in the vicinity of Hadrian 's Wall , and that he took back with him four priests , Cedd , Adda , Betti and Diuma , to work among the Middle Angles , the Irishman Diuma receiving consecration from Fínán , according to Bede , as bishop of the Middle Angles and the Mercians ( HE 111 , 13 ) .
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