Example sentences of "[that] i [be] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 I sometimes feel sorry , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , that I am not of their kind .
2 The trouble is that I am not a tea-drinker , and so my plants get only the occasional treat when guests visit .
3 He got four years and later emigrated to Australia , whereas I was fined £30 and am welcome on Wogan , except that I am not .
4 Now I find that I am not given it . ’
5 But my personal philosophy is that I am not incredibly optimistic , but I am a realistic utopian or a utopian realist . ’
6 That is why I keep saying that I am not only interested in our knowing more about our faith but also in our putting more faith into our lives .
7 He replied , ‘ Herr Karajan , do you imagine that I am not listening to what you are doing ?
8 The baby is well and so am I. You have always been so much a mother that I am not surprised that you feel like a grandmother , even without ‘ legal sanction ’ .
9 ‘ Thank God that I am not answerable to any higher authority ; but were I in the position of having to justify myself before the great British public , even I would find it difficult to defend your priorities . ’
10 If some of you have had bad experiences with other ‘ Amway people ’ let me promise that I am not like that !
11 I want you to note that I am not singing just ‘ Take my back , because it is my best feature ’ ( in the mirror we could see her beautiful strong back in the low cut of the dress , and of course we could see ourselves too ) .
12 ‘ You accept then , Mr Stevens , that I am not in error on this point . ’
13 ‘ The fact that I say ‘ bull-shit ’ shows that I am not bull-shitting yes ? ’
14 My guess is that I am not alone in waking up to the stunning brutality of boxing .
15 My own taste is so eclectic ( or should I say conditioned by the cheapest bargain available ) that I am not evangelical on behalf of any product — except perhaps Valpeda foot balm , which soothes the weary feet better than anything I know , softens hard skin and banishes athlete 's foot .
16 I am not ashamed to admit that I am not overwhelmed with sympathy for muggers and molesters .
17 However , lest you think that I am too good to be true , let me at once add that I am not in the slightest inclined to gamble .
18 It is just as well that I am not a serious researcher of times past .
19 They were grand folk , and it 's because of them that I am not one of the antismoking lobby ( although I have never associated personally with nicotine ) .
20 Take Lao-Tse 's celebrated question : ‘ If when I was asleep I was a man dreaming I was a butterfly , how do I know when I am awake that I am not a butterfly dreaming I am a man ? ’
21 It is not inconceivable that other organisations would become relevant in the future if I fell ill , but I like to assume that I am not going to fall seriously ill .
22 I think at this point it would be a good idea to tell you what my own personal beliefs are — and please remember that I am not attempting to convert anyone else to them .
23 What you must never forget is that I am not and never have been an ethnic of any description , and that I have never found any evidence that justifies any cretinous claim by you , or by any of your co-morons in the sewers of lofty racist Neanderthal , that Eurocentrism warrants any positive attention from those like myself who inherit — and consciously — a civilised tradition and philosophy going back millions of years .
24 The upsetting thing is that I am not going to get any real Sheffield Shield cricket to get back into enough form to earn a Test before this summer is over . ’
25 The 35-year-old , who has collected 13 major trophies with the Anfield club , said : ‘ I have slowly realised that I am not in Liverpool 's plans for the future . ’
26 When I say ‘ myths ’ it should now be clear that I am not using the term ‘ myth ’ in any pejorative sense but am referring to the cultural assumptions existing in the world of work .
27 And every residential social worker knows that I am not exaggerating when I say that after a death has occurred — often alone or with one of us holding the dying resident 's hand — the family will descend like vultures , demanding a complete inventory of all their belongings , ransacking their personal clothes for valuables , and insisting on receiving all that is left of the petty cash .
28 ‘ I do n't have to prove to anyone that I am not only a serve and volleyer .
29 ‘ For I am weary ’ , he wrote , ‘ with rowing up and down in the seas of questions , which the interests of Christendom have commenced , and in many propositions of which I am not certain that I am not deceived . ’
30 I always say that I am not gay , I just love one man .
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