Example sentences of "[that] it does [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Times were hard , and society did not take the same enlightened view of illegitimate children that it does today .
2 This expansion is said to be " inflationary , " meaning that the universe at one time expanded at an increasing rate rather than the decreasing rate that it does today .
3 The impact of mortality rates on the early development of the life assurance industry had much greater significance that it does today .
4 Baronworth Investment Services ( 081–518 1218 ) , which prints a weekly update of best buys , runs a special deal with accountants who can not act as direct agents for bond issuers , and splits any commission 50/50 , but emphasises that it does also recommend bonds that pay no commission .
5 It is just possible that it does exactly the opposite .
6 A computer is a machine with the attractive property that it does exactly as it is told , yet the outcome of a series of throws of an unbiased dice will produce a random sequence of numbers in which the n + 1th outcome is independent of the nth .
7 The advantage of the pen system in Eo 's machine is that it does away with the keyboard , so enabling applications to be written for all language forms — non-Roman script like Japanese or Arabic for instance .
8 Such a theory has the great merit that it does away with the old dichotomy between ‘ matter , ’ represented by particles of one-half-integer spin , and ‘ interactions , ’ represented by integer-spin particles .
9 The appeal of Brand A is that it does all the work for the slimmer .
10 It is also important to check that the limited company has already been incorporated and that it does actually have the power to own the property .
11 So should a school like this one equip for the realities of unforgiveness of the world outside , or should it be much more generous in the way it shows forgiveness and can a school be organised so that it does actually reflect Christ 's teaching on forgiveness .
12 A gene has the particular effect that it does only because there is an existing structure upon which to work .
13 For example , in 1979 the steel industry employed roughly twice the number of people that it does now , producing the same amount of steel .
14 At the time you enter a Deed of Covenant , the covenant should be capable of lasting for more than 3 years , and there should be the intention by you that it does so .
15 That it does so , so profoundly , is a vital part of what it is for .
16 It is worth pointing out that it does so in accordance with the normal justification thesis .
17 Whenever the model touches the ground , always try to ensure that it does so in a level , or slightly nose down , attitude .
18 That it does so with such success is partly due to the rich quality of the artificial flowers used and partly to the skill of Prue Hooper who made it .
19 One must say that it does so by providing a price sufficient to pay off a debt of sin before God .
20 The problem is not just that buckminsterfullerene forms , but that it does so with such efficiency .
21 The wording of subsection ( 1 ) shows quite clearly that it is addressed to the legal purpose of legal effect of consent to treatment , namely , to prevent such treatment constituting in law a trespass to the person , and that it does so by making the consent of a 16- or 17-year-old as effective as if he were ‘ of full age . ’
22 For what guarantee is there that it does so objectively ?
23 Nurse prescribing will happen , and I hope that it does so promptly .
24 If the Audit Commission is to continue to do the work that it does so successfully for local government , and to achieve better value for money , it must be independent and impartial , and its reports and work must be respected .
25 Whenever in relation to a loved person , idealized place or personal indulgence I find myself pushing out of mind some disagreeable thought , its relevance ( as distinct from its importance ) is not in doubt ; it is enough that it does spontaneously move me against what I have decided for .
26 It is a fascinating project and I believe that it does really bring art to millions of people . ’
27 It is significant that it does indeed sometimes happen ; we return to the question of when at the end of this section .
28 But the trouble with the picture is that it does absolutely nothing with its various prognostications except play the fool with them .
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