Example sentences of "[that] have never been " in BNC.

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1 A horse that has had no exercise all day is less likely to stand still for the farrier than one that has just been ridden ; and a youngster that has never been ridden out on the road before will be considerably more nervous if it goes alone than it would with a companion .
2 In what must rank as one of the most petty letters ever to emerge from the SFA , an organisation that has never been known for its broad-mindedness , the secretary demanded that the ball be returned .
3 McMurdo never made the grade but like many Scots his early interest in the game ignited a flame of passion for football that has never been extinguished .
4 Ginger 's greatest single claim to fame is that he set up a record for an inside-forward that has never been beaten at our club , when he scored five goals in the game against Southend at The Palace on 25 September 1909 .
5 In fact they succeeded and there followed a sequence of events that has never been thoroughly recorded in full detail , though Stillman Drake has done his best .
6 Estimate , instead , the sheer physical task that is being contemplated : to build a ‘ Stansted at Stanley ’ would be to do something that has never been done before in the whole of history .
7 There 's some great playing on it generally , and some amazing guitar work that has never been heard .
8 The best of Assynt , however , lies between this road and the coast , and my preference is always to turn off the A.894 two miles out of Kylesku and go along a narrow road that has never been improved and I hope never will .
9 The new space will also have galleries for Greek and Roman gems , part of a Met collection that has never been shown .
10 His swordsmanship is unequalled except perhaps by the Reiksmarshall Kurt Helborg — a match that has never been put to the test despite years of enmity between the two .
11 In the opinion of many , the finest eighteenth-century French furniture set a standard of quality and craftsmanship that has never been equalled though much emulated , appearing in such widely divergent mutations as John Henry Belter 's high Victorian rococo revival to the sleek Art Deco refinement of Jacques-Emile Ruhlmann .
12 Late in the dynasty , some species developed an even more sophisticated kind of eye and one that has never been paralleled by any other animal .
13 This reflects both a desire to uphold tradition and the fact that natural dyes produce a subtle beauty of tone that has never been equalled by even the finest synthetic dyes .
14 There is none of that apparently aimless wandering in short stretches , punctuated by frequent bends , going halfway round the compass to reach the next hamlet or village , which characterises the byroads in country that has never been in open field or left it several centuries ago .
15 If you find that the results are likely to be disastrous , and that the principles underlying it , which we detect not only from the official utterances of members of the Government but also from the more indiscreet explanations of so-called supporters of the government are pernicious and that the whole matter is one that has never been duly referred to the people of this country , then I venture to say that your Lordships have a clear duty before you — not to decree the final extinction of the Bill — because that is not what we propose , but to insist that before it becomes law an authoritative expression of the opinion of the electors of the United Kingdom shall have reached us with regard to it .
16 Common to much of the literature has been a notion … that these kids — and many others like them — have been trying to ‘ recover magically ’ territory , both physical and cultural , that they have lost and to appropriate in the same way territory that has never been theirs .
17 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that since 1979 the Government have introduced more training places and a wider range of training courses both in width and in depth , in a way that has never been attempted before ?
18 The discovery was the start of a murder investigation that has never been solved .
19 Until yesterday , the only hole at Augusta that had never been eagled was the 205-yard fourth .
20 The early 19th century saw a chemical revolution in the emergent paint industry , inspired by experiments subsidised by the French government , resulting in colours that had never been manufactured before .
21 With the Falklands War in 1982 — conventional warfare such as no one expected to see again — there surfaced memories that had never been buried very deep .
22 These contained a number of allegations that had never been raised with her at all .
23 But immediately , the burden of the territorial and other material possessions of his church weighed upon him in a way that had never been evident at Bec under the relaxed rule of Duke Robert of Normandy .
24 Philadelphia stood on the edge of land that had never been occupied by Europeans , and so the Pennsylvanians had to work out their relations with the Indians .
25 " There was , " she said , a little boy in him that had never been released .
26 Yet it together with the other numerous Somerset railways knitted town and country together in a way that had never been achieved before .
27 Here she was , sounding , even to her own ears , like a puritanical Swiss burgher , imposing a moral code on Sylvie that had never been hers ; forcing her into a mould which was alien to everything that made her Sylvie .
28 Many had been the voyages of discovery she had made in this — the most powerful spacecraft that had never been built , and never will be .
29 Waves of data seethed in at her filtered through recognition systems that had never been hers .
30 You could not have called it grey , it was of some colour that had never been given a name , and it glowed as if the moon and stars were behind the skin of it , waiting to break through .
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