Example sentences of "[that] it [be] in " in BNC.

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1 The pragmatists will point out that Rover still exists , that it 's in ( mainly ) British hands and that the current generation of new Rovers is the best in living memory .
2 You beg , steal or borrow £1,000 , then get your bank to certify that it 's in your account before you return the cash .
3 SNI , Pyramid says , has made it clear that it 's in the process of formulating a long-term policy of its future chips and technology requirements .
4 I was just gon na say , I I think we should possibly stop blaming the media or whatever actually happens and perhaps echo what the the lady earlier said , I think that it 's in our hands , we 're the women that could make this happen !
5 Since the whole experience , food and all , costs less than £5 a head , nobody complains that it 's in the open air .
6 The fact that it 's in the countryside should n't be a reason in itself for for refusing permission .
7 Now if I point out that it 's in bold erm and it preempts a question that generally comes up and that is if we er we will pay thirty percent up to a hundred miles one way away from home and er if we had to send you , and it 's a big if I have to say it 's a big if in especially in the medical practice side , if we had to send you more than a hundred miles we will pay another five percent .
8 It does n't matter when it was made , or that it 's in flickery old black and white .
9 Will you do me a favour and keep the receipt and everything for that C D and the bag that it 's in ?
10 having said that it 's in lieu of the debt that we would have paid .
11 A , but what I 'm sa , wha the point you were making Adrian , is tha , is is that 's what you 've got ta keep in mind about every time you walk into a business or phone up a business , that it does matter that it 's in , your , that 's not what we want cos I 'm telling you , you know , do n't you know , the security guys photographing , you know , lampposts and stuff like that .
12 It 's like that it 's in the dark so when you push that but there are n't many batteries left so
13 It 's very interesting that it 's in Sussex and East Kent that , just in the border there , that some of the most exotic Puritan names that you sometimes hear about , Praise God Bare Bones and Deliverance Smith and these kind of weird names , which are often thought of as typically Puritan , in fact are very narrowly defined to a geographical area , and in time .
14 But companies are reporting that orders are still down on last year , with no sign from the catering industry that it is in a position to re-equip the dining room .
15 I will point out , though , that it is in some ways a very conservative proposal , inviting a return to origins .
16 the company believes that it is in a position to provide a product or service that would satisfy this demand profitably .
17 The localized system of medico-pedagogical influence on a child , in so far as it is differentiated in an institution for social education , ought to prevail to the extent that it is in accordance with the natural needs of the child and to the extent that it opens creative prospects for the development of the given structure — biological , social , and economic .
18 So it is worth recalling at the outset of this discussion that it is in these senses that the female cross-dresser of the early seventeenth century could be described as an ‘ invert ’ or ‘ pervert ’ , and hardly at all in the sense of those words as coined and popularized by the nineteenth-century sexologists and , later , psychoanalysis .
19 The temptation for some present-day commentators has been to conclude that it is in women 's ‘ real ’ interests to limit divorce .
20 But now that it is in power , and dependent on an assembly made up largely of landowners , the government seems to find that option less attractive .
21 He is perfectly clear that it is in the terms provided by this framework that we are able to answer any ‘ limited ’ question about the causes of particular phenomena .
22 It is important to understand that it is in no sense ‘ anti-Darwinian ’ .
23 The horrible irony is that it is in that very surrender that community itself is founded .
24 ‘ I believe they will make moves to close the school within months , using the argument that it is in chaos . ’
25 That it is in the interest of the Workers ' Educational Association that the organisation of its activities and its expansion , and the direction of its policy , should continue in the hands of its members ; that the work of the professional officers in the field should be supplementary to that of the Branch and Federation members and not a substitute for it , and that all constitutional impediments to the holding of any Branch or Federation office by voluntary members of the WEA should be removed .
26 It also has to be demonstrated that it is in the best interests of the child .
27 In France and Germany only representatives of parties are elected , not individuals , and this difference in constitutional theory makes individual action by politicians there far more difficult that it is in Westminster .
28 There is a need on the part of the school to ensure that this is not a hasty decision , that it is in the best interest of the child and that it will not be a decision that parents will either want to reverse or repeat when any problem or difficulty arises .
29 The argument for neutrality still rests on the further assumption that it is in people 's highest interest to adopt principles fulfilling the social role of justice .
30 even such persons who worry about the ‘ lost ’ of land as Erik Eckholm , acknowledge that it is in our power to have more land if there is a will to work for it .
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