Example sentences of "[that] be part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The main business of the company is the manufacture of dyestuffs , and intermediates that are part of the dyestuffs chain .
2 Block The cluster of sprockets on the back wheel — usually 7 of them — that are part of the bike 's gearing system .
3 This is the heart of the notion of the inner city ; at the very moment that policy draws the boundaries of the inner city a place takes on the qualities of coherence that it does not possess , embodies all the contradictions that are part of the original concept .
4 On the other hand , neither do you get the taut , instant reactions that are part of the pleasure of controlling any of the top German sports saloons .
5 Sandown in Surrey was the venue for the two new Red rock ads that are part of a new £2 million Taunton campaign .
6 If only those residues that are part of helices are considered , the C α r.m.s. deviation between CAP and GH5 is 1.3 .
7 We sat in one of those lounges that are part of a huge bar area and the windows were misted up with condensation ; when you rubbed them you still could n't see much because of all the rain dripping down outside .
8 It destroys the original key pattern more completely than operations 1 and 2 above , but retains the ability to separate keys that are part of consecutive runs .
9 Arguments in favour are that the video recording gives a more complete record because it shows what the lecturer writes on the board or displays on the Overhead Projector and it can also cover any demonstrations that are part of the lecture .
10 Enlightenment demands that we should not simply engage in the practices that are part of these rational pursuits ( submitting to their different forms of ‘ groundedness ’ ) , but that we should maintain our own integrity .
11 1 The established constitution and the rules that are part of it are an aspect of the constraining context that operates on everyday politics .
12 She was too tall and untidy , but her quality shone out like a light as she passed into the crowd , and the noise and the tension that are part of even the smallest race meeting .
13 The elements of control that operate through constant reiteration of the bust motif in Auerbach can be seen , therefore , to hold in check the emotive questions of disintegrating human features in ways that are part of a wider cultural context .
14 ‘ However , this strategy will enable us to respond efficiently when recovery comes , with our skilled staff and the necessary machinery in place to increase production to required levels , while maintaining the quality standards that are part of the Company 's heritage . ’
15 I wish to raise three issues that are part of the backdrop to the Bill .
16 Furthermore , it is argued by some commentators that , if an attempt were made to trace the redistributive consequences of other types of government policy , e.g. subsidies that are part of industrial policy , then an already very fuzzy picture would become totally confused .
17 Decisions of major importance are those concerned with the policy making as well as those that are part of the design and control of large systems .
18 The Radcliffe Report ( 1959 ) emphasised in stronger terms the problems associated with financial change and maintained that it is impossible to define money , because there is no clear criterion with which to determine those assets that are part of the money supply .
19 Another problem was the position of some 130,000 civil servants that are part of the railway 's workforce and have significantly better terms and conditions of employment than the other employees .
20 One of the event organisers , George Sproule , said : ‘ The idea behind the fun day is to show that being part of the church is not limited to once a week on Sunday . ’
21 England lost all three of their Tests and West Indies won two of theirs , but neither side liked the arrangement of interspersing them with one-day games that were part of the new Benson and Hedges World Series Cup .
22 Clients — individuals and groups within the client system , those that were part of the action system and those that were not .
23 One of the farmhouses that were part of the Cetinale Estate has been skilfully converted into residences whilst maintaining its many original architectural features .
24 It was strong and deeply magical and filled with power and enchantment and with the twilit scents and the dusk-laden sounds that were part of the ancient Wolfwood .
25 Here she was , imagining that the last half-hour had been a sort of truce — telling Marc all those things about her life on the stage , all those silly , funny , self-mocking stories of disaster and mayhem that were part of the business , and he 'd been sitting there in judgement all that time , working out how much Peter might or might not have paid her for playing the part of his fiancée …
26 Although I was n't brought up in the Jewish faith — my mother would n't hear of it — he still passed on to me all those standards that were part of his own upbringing and would never tolerate what he from time to time described as my ‘ unacceptable behaviour ’ .
27 That were part of it that 's all .
28 But consider how the following additional constraints would make your task so much more difficult ( and relate these constraints to the problems of being unable to study the SCN directly , of being unsure of exactly how it then sends its information to produce the rhythms in , say , temperature or urine flow — things that we can measure — and even of not being certain that the SCN is the only area in the brain that is part of the body clock ) .
29 And suddenly hearing something that is part of your body , out there , beyond your control , entering other people 's lives — it was too much for me , I just collapsed , crying , everyone had to hold me up … ‘
30 At No.2 is the Piccola Scala , the ‘ little Scala ’ , a small theatre that is part of the La Scala complex , and in which are performed modern , experimental works , rare operas and concerts of chamber music .
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