Example sentences of "[not/n't] a [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 There is not a day which goes by when I do n't think of them , ’ she says .
2 Geometry is not a subject which lends itself to such treatment .
3 This gender imbalance in later life is not a trend which is unique to Great Britain .
4 A vote is not a coin which , tendered to make a purchase , retains its full value even though what is eventually bought is the purchaser 's second or third or fourth or fifth choice .
5 The war was not a concept which claimed Julia 's attention any more than land girls .
6 Home , I realize on analysis , is not a concept which has definite geographical or social limits .
7 Anisette is not a liqueur which , speaking at least for myself , one has a great compulsion to swig down in quantity ; in my cupboard a bottle lasts for years .
8 Simon Catterall , for the company , said : ‘ This is not a company which cuts corners .
9 That , however , is not a posture which , as yet , commands unalloyed respect within the United Kingdom .
10 Clearly , this is not a reading which will appeal to those who relish the physical excitement and theatrical extravagance of Strauss 's music .
11 Firstly , the identification and recording of unmet need is not a finding which agencies or governments will want to be made public , especially if one object of the community care reforms is to reduce eligibility for services .
12 Erm , the the reference of last resort was Mr Thomas 's reference erm it it is not a reference which I think you find anywhere er in government guidance , and I think what P P G thre three says is the opportunity to pursue them will be relatively rare , we think this is a relatively rare circumstance , er in North Yorkshire , it 's unique , er and it 's entirely driven er by justifiable er reasons to protect the the wider environment of Greater York .
13 It was not a position which enhanced his personal popularity , but while he was still coming up with the stories Murray 's position was unassailable .
14 Sperber and Wilson 's principle of relevance , in contrast with Grice 's maxim of relation , is not a norm which may be followed or violated , but a generalisation about the nature of communication ( ostensive-inferential communication ) .
15 Nevertheless , the principle is established that all students can participate in the decision-making process , and it is not a principle which has proved to be unworkable or which has produced manifestly absurd results .
16 Certainly what Devon Loch heard at that moment was not a noise which he had heard before , and it was some noise — a raucous surge of patriotic fervour as the Royal horse galloped to certain victory in front of his owner the Queen Mother and her daughters Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret , a rapturous climax befitting what was about to be one of the greatest moments of racing history .
17 This is not a performance which truly holds the attention , and that is an unpardonable fault .
18 Justice Foster said of the discordance between the evidence of the epidemiological witnesses called by the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations and the Tobacco Institute of Australia , ‘ It was not a disagreement which the learned primary judge or this Court could reasonably resolve . ’
19 The latter was not a goal which Laura espoused , nor was she comfortable working in such a formal setting .
20 A remarkable series of nearly thirty self-portraits , one of which is a bronze sculpture ( 1926–36 ) , is launched by a pen and ink study of the artist laughing ( 1888–89 ) , not a mood which her work usually encourages .
21 I put " as if " in quotation marks because electron spin is not a phenomenon which can be visualised quite as simply as that .
22 There is perhaps only one situation in which one can envisage the majority speaking , and it is not a voice which one wants to hear .
23 This , as many said at the time , was not a function which judges and courts could perform successfully .
24 How this could or should affect the political decision about banning lead in petrol is not a question which I am competent to answer ; it involves too many non-scientific aspects .
25 She was tempted somehow to ask the Princesse why her father had not married her instead of Sylvie , but it was not a question which could easily be put .
26 Primal Scream Not a name which would lead you to expect self-absorbed acoustic doodlings .
27 This is not a possibility which seems to have been considered seriously hitherto , perhaps because the 1377 precedent was such a disastrous one .
28 This is not a possibility which seems to have been considered seriously hitherto , perhaps because the 1377 precedent was such a disastrous one .
29 I think it is absolutely plain that there is no possibility , that any local authority wherever Paul were living would find it possible to that he should cease to be a statement in child , it is quite clear , I think , that he is bound to remain a child with a statement of special educational needs , in those circumstances any local authority would have the statutory duty to provide for his education , either at or somewhere else and in practice it seems to me there is no reasonable possibility of his being moved from after he has spent , will it be probably more than four years there perhaps five years there , that I think is not a possibility which has to be catered for .
30 We do have cause for concern but it is not a problem which can be solved by law enforcement alone .
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