Example sentences of "[not/n't] be made [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There would be enormous difficulties in trying to operate a general rule that had not been made sufficiently specific at a proper point beforehand .
2 He was writing it afresh , there and then , word for word , but the words , although they were identical to the familiar text , were nevertheless new words , words that had not been made before .
3 Such decisions should not be made here .
4 Whereas the district in which we live is under an agreement between the three great companies — the Midland being one — that not one of them shall promote a railway in the district without the consent of all three companies ; the continuation of the Bishop 's Castle line is now saddled with the further condition that it shall not be made independently of the Corvedale line , whereas a proposal was made by one of the largest shareholders in the Cambrian to complete it independently of any other line .
5 Although land-use decisions are made by the household , these may well not be made equally by all members of it , and this may be significant in the perception of conservation and any government sponsored conservation programme .
6 Reallocations will not be made automatically if the taxpayer has asked for them not to be .
7 The joke could not be made today because Bragg ( in response to that gibe ? ) has now written more overtly popular fiction , including two bestsellers .
8 Undoubtedly abuses took place which , happily , could not be made today .
9 The McKinsey-GE matrix also recognizes that in many businesses investment decisions can not be made simply upon information about market growth and the current share held .
10 Employers in public administration and in traditional production and service organisations have been attempting to restructure their salary systems or to add special supplements in an attempt to attract and retain DP staff ( see IDS , 1986c ) , but such adjustments can not be made easily .
11 A woman must not be made financially dependent because she is involved in child care , nor must this work be regarded as socially unimportant .
12 In conclusion , the decision to operate for suspected acute appendicitis should not be made hastily in the small hours of the morning .
13 There is no reason why information such as the number of statemented children and attainment levels in national curriculum tests should not be made freely available by our schools .
14 Evidently it is not much use replacing existential propositions with their properly quantified " canonical " paraphrases , if the concept of existential quantification itself gives rise to obscurities and can not be made sufficiently precise .
15 If all words were set as if they were equally important , the main sense of the text would not be made sufficiently evident , and probably the music would lack decisive contours .
16 Maintaining a historic building is a considerable responsibility and the task should not be made unnecessarily daunting or frustrating by too much interference over small things .
17 If that part of the journey from home to destination that lies outside the immediate neighbourhood can not be made safely and easily by bike or on foot , then the environmental and safety gains made inside neighbourhood traffic calmed areas are unlikely to be fully utilised .
18 Ford told leaders of production workers last week hourly-paid staff would not be made compulsorily redundant , but it did not extend the assurance to white-collar employees .
19 The actual exercise of this option may not be made earlier than three years nor later than ten years after it has been obtained .
20 In the partnership agreement itself it should perhaps not be made too easy for partners to leave , though in practice , of course , an unhappy or unsatisfied partner is a liability whom the firm will usually want to see depart at the earliest convenient time .
21 It was hoped that people would not be made worse off by taking a job ( the unemployment trap ) , nor would they lose money when their gross pay rose ( the poverty trap ) , due to the loss of means-tested benefits in each case .
22 It is rare to find an elderly person 's home that could not be made much more comfortable , convenient and secure for her by a few carefully planned improvements and adaptations .
23 The results of the survey , which will include a national poll , will be known to senior police officers in the next few weeks , but will not be made public until early in the new year .
24 So do n't hesitate to ask questions or , or discuss points which you feel erm have not be made very clearly or perhaps with which you do n't even agree .
25 At the same time , we are concerned that police investigations should not be made more difficult by the misuse of certain rights .
26 The seasons can not be made more gentle , yet it remains possible to assert the dignity of people who have to bear their harshness .
27 Those who are looking after her have a difficult task and it should not be made more difficult by being harassed by requests for information .
28 The contrast in their present lives could not be made more explicit .
29 A diagnosis of psychosomatic illness should not be made lightly .
30 The statement need not be made fraudulently .
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