Example sentences of "[not/n't] just go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 More intense review than that provided by a test of arbitrariness will be necessary in order to ensure that the agency does not just go through the motions of listening to people .
2 We should not just go through the Lobbies — half the time I do so without knowing for what I am voting .
3 For his coronation he did not just go to Aachen to be ‘ elected ’ king of the Franks in the old way , but dressed up in Frankish costume for the occasion .
4 Do not just go to the solicitor who did you conveyancing , or walk into your nearest solicitor 's firm on the high street .
5 and that obviously they would be tend to be other children with mother 's there so they would need perhaps a play facility there and other children who goes to the E N T clinic can go to the not just go to the outpatients casualty
6 And then he said , I do n't mean to put pressure on , but I want to get to know you , we 've got so much in common and erm I want to take you out for dinner , not just go to the concert , but , we do n't get to know each other that way .
7 But customers , too , have only recently begun to see the big picture : IBM is not just going through a bad patch , it is in serious , perhaps critical , trouble .
8 And of course if you 've got any questions in the two days I 'm not just going to er at you all the time you know it 's participation is this so any questions that you have any comments you want to make please feel free to make them at any time it 's not going to throw me .
9 The Duchess said : ‘ I 'm not just going to be a letterhead .
10 Managing Director of Rockcliffe , Graham Campbell said , ’ We are not just going with the trend , we are about to overtake it . ’
11 Right , but presumably if that , that work 's not just going by the board that 's , that 's right
12 Do n't just go into these meetings and sat there like a dumbbell .
13 Mica says she thinks this show is really good with Tom recording all different types of music throughtout the series and proves that some singers do n't just go on TV to plug their latest hits , but have influencess and do n't mind talking about them .
14 anyway Bob said oh you 'll see him on Friday , I says Bill is a busy bloke you know , I says you ca n't just go on Friday and expect to do it over weekend
15 You ca n't just go on a trip or something ?
16 They say peace , it does n't just go on the top two inches of the surface water , it goes right to the very depths of your life and keeps .
17 Do n't just go for the figures .
18 I do n't just go for the light .
19 Carbon dioxide is the most soluble of the gases because as it dissolves it does n't just go through a physical solution it goes through a chemical conversion such that carbon dioxide dissolving in water forms carbonic acid which , in water will dissociate into a hydrogen iron and a hydrogen bicarbonate iron which can further dissociate this is why I 've got a nice wide blackboard and you 've only got a piece of A four paper so you end up with a carbonate iron two hydrogen ions This system is a dynamic equilibrium .
20 ‘ I would n't just go to India .
21 Apart from anything else , we , we do n't just go to the theatre we have , we really tend to wait to be invited
22 Some of these projects I mean just are ongoing , you do n't just go to a meeting and
23 But I would n't just go off my own bat now and order stuff .
24 I 'm saying is , is you ought to get very close to that geographical map because it 's the logistic logistics er difficulty with getting , and you ought to know where there are mountains and where there are valleys and the fact that that , in South Wales they ca n't just go across country , they have to go back down the valley after the M four and up again .
25 But of course you ca n't just go by character . ’
26 You see you do n't just , you do n't just go like this
27 But I do n't just go in one shop , and I never buy anything without looking at the price .
28 They did n't just go in twenty three years ago as somebody suggested .
29 and what I was a really impressed with he , he balanced the , the human , what he felt were the human strengths of the school what it felt like you know , what the people were like in it and erm I think that 's made his decision more difficult because he has n't just gone on the ec the academic side of it he looked at the , the all round aspects of it .
30 It was n't just going to be papers , it could be health clinics , bookshops , making a network of people sharing lifestyles and indeed an economic base .
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