Example sentences of "[not/n't] just [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 However , the test of what is ‘ reasonably practicable ’ as opposed to ‘ practicable ’ , is not just whether the measures taken are financially or physically possible but the degree of risk must be balanced against the sacrifice involved .
2 ‘ It 's not just that the objectives have been achieved , of getting the policy reviews endorsed , and conducting ourselves in a way that will attract the British people .
3 I believe the reason is not just that the statement is more dramatic but the nature of the drama .
4 It is not just that the academic protocols of putative objectivity , cross referencing and theoretical vocabulary sit uneasily beside political polemic which reads so differently from the equally strict conventions of focused brevity in the local government or consultant 's report , although these issues of style are themselves not minor .
5 David Noble ( 1977 ) takes this argument a stage further and argues not just that the use , but also the design , of the CNC machine tool has been influenced by these management control considerations .
6 The alternative will be not just that the situation is a mess but that perfectly respectable stores will continue to be forced to break a stupid and outdated law .
7 ‘ It is not just that the unwanted presence of rainbow trout can ruin the sport but there is also the environmental impact of these strangers , ’ said a spokesman .
8 It is not just that the ideas which underpin progressive primary methods have been , with a few notable exceptions , poorly articulated .
9 It is not just that the tax offices are the home of a great deal of corruption , which has survived many previous attempted clean-ups and , so far , even the arrival of computerisation .
10 More radically still , Derrida works at the limits of any possible philosophy of history , arguing that it is not just that the problems of hermeneutics , specifically of interpretation and language , affect historical understanding , but that what in a broad sense he calls writing , or différance , determines history .
11 It was not just that the Old King possessed the greater resources — which he did -he was also able to overwhelm his enemies by sheer speed of movement .
12 He argues that it is not just that the long waves each have a different pattern but that regional differentiation , and regional political and social movements , are crucial to the shape of long waves themselves .
13 Not just that the money came from insider dealing , but the weapons were n't coming from any official supplier or going to one of the usual customers . ’
14 It is not just that the sufferer loses friends from the disordered behaviour .
15 The problem is not just that the children have not attended a school where English is taught ; they have not been to a school of any description for years on end .
16 The use of particular terms in thesis titles proclaims not just that the author is a member of a particular sub-discipline group , but that he or she is a member at a particular time , characterised by terms rooted in the paradigms then current ( Dott ) .
17 Right so it 's not just that the National Party want the people on the ground to choose the nice addresses .
18 erm I think in fact it would be better to ask Mr Bailey to explain what his concerns were erm I 'd just like to say first although initially it revolves around problems of drinking , I 'm looking at other issues of East Oxford , in that recently there 's been a great deal of concern about glue sniffing in sections there , and there have been various letters from residents in the local newspapers , and I think there 's a general level of problem for people living in East Oxford , and it 's not just that the people there want the streets cleaned up or whatever , they want something constructive and helpful to be done for people .
19 Billy Callender , Palace 's regular goalkeeper from 1926–32 , was thought by some of his contemporaries to have sufficient skill and character to follow his illustrious predecessor , Jack Alderson , not just as the Crystal Palace custodian but also the full England International Side itself .
20 It was important to retain Lloyd George , not just as the man who had won the war but also as a man who could talk to the working class ; and if a revolutionary situation were to arise , then it would be far better if Unionists could call on Liberals to help resist it .
21 Years later I could observe their lives not just as the chance affairs of a family .
22 That is why we need history presented as it is in this book : not just as the brief flicker of time since the industrial revolution or since the invention of writing , but as the 40,000 years of modern thought and language , and the sweep of six million years since we were born as the third chimpanzee .
23 It will be argued here that the above-noted tendency of the infinitival construction to imply greater subjectivity and possibility of doubt indicates that know is being evoked not just as the state of " being aware of a fact " in these uses but also as the condition for being able to attribute to the direct object of know the event denoted by the infinitive .
24 Britain 's manufacturing base is declining not just because the Conservative party seems to care so little about it but because of so many companies ' wilful refusal to respond to changing market signals .
25 Unfortunately this is not just because the ideas will be taken up , but also because the savaging of the universities , especially the technically minded ones , will reduce the number of ideas .
26 It was also a story about people and , if I keep returning to Morocco , it is not just because the Atlas offer superlative climbing and trekking but because the Berber ‘ Highlanders ’ are a very special people : incredibly hardy , had-working , lively and friendly .
27 Mr Clinton has failed to draw clear lines not just because the world , seen from the Oval Office , is complicated , nor because he is congenitally easy-going ; it is also because the structure for effective leadership is not yet in place .
28 English was chosen , not just because the majority of its students are female , but because it is generally looked upon by commentators ( e.g. P. Scott 1984 ) , as the ‘ central liberal discipline ’ .
29 As to European political union , it is vital that we consider favourably proposals for increased confidence for qualified majority voting and for co-decision , not just because the Community 's budget is so large that we need improved accountability and democratic restraint , but because in so many other areas — such as in respect of the environment , conditions of employment and judicial co-operation — common responsibility requires the same observance of high standards .
30 That looks bad not just because the Government commissioned the report , but because they refuse to address its contents .
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