Example sentences of "[not/n't] know [adv] what " in BNC.

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1 The result of all this is that because of the divergence of Belfast English from other varieties and the internal divergence within it , we do not know beforehand what is the correct lexical input to any phonological variable , we do not necessarily know what the variants of the variable are , and we may not be at all certain about what precisely might count as a variable .
2 In such situations we typically do not know beforehand what all the linguistic variants involved actually are , so we must use very careful and accountable methods of selection and analysis .
3 When the future Cardinal Richelieu entered government service for the first time in 1616 he found available so little essential documentation on foreign policy that he had to ask French representatives abroad to send him copies of the instructions they had been given : without this he could not know even what the policies of his immediate predecessor had been .
4 Even those who most strongly advocate their use as research tools would admit that we do not know exactly what neural processes generate them and that any particular fluctuation will be the result of a multiplicity of different kinds of changes occurring in several different and possibly independent systems .
5 He did not know exactly what school was .
6 As we do not know exactly what will appear in second-hand booksellers ' catalogues , the choice of books will of necessity have to be left to us , but your certificate will state the title of the book which you have presented .
7 In the first place I do not know exactly what it was like in all its details .
8 Before her marriage Anna had been taken up as one of the handful of pet Americans and now , although they did not know exactly what had happened , everybody in London sided with her .
9 If you do not know exactly what is going to happen it is well to keep your options open .
10 A colleague said : ‘ We do not know exactly what happened .
11 We do not know yet what causes a cell to become cancerous but scientists believe that most causes are linked with our environments and how we live .
12 ‘ Gently , you do not know yet what it is .
13 I did not know then what I was to find out later-that I myself was capable of a drastic re-ordering of the system .
14 He was too tired to go to the window again , and did not know now what he wanted to see on the other side of the glass .
15 He had known nothing of her plans , he did not know now what to expect , why this confining door should ever have been opened now , at this end of the day , after all permitted visits were over .
16 He hopes to show that , although we can not know quite what the former say we can , nevertheless we can still know more than the latter allow .
17 She knew she was missing something , even if she did not know quite what , but she and her parents had returned to their large room at the base of the Grimsdale 's house .
18 Even the highly cosmopolitan and very trendy audiences of New York City did not know quite what to say about it ; a typical reaction was from May Okon , of the New York Sunday News who wrote : ‘ Jack Nicholson 's Drive , He Said is how it read on the marquee of the Third Avenue movie house .
19 He did not know quite what to do about this .
20 It was my first attempt at this and I did not know quite what to expect .
21 I do not know quite what at that time was the stance adopted by W. 's aunt as first respondent .
22 Rather embarrassed that he had waited … as if he had been hanging on … shy , although it could not be the surroundings , he very gratefully accepted the offer of claret , knew it to be a good one and said so … did not know quite what to say … he had found a peculiar empathy grow between himself and this handsome , strong , elegant , privileged man of the world when they had been in the little hill church of St Kentigern 's .
23 He did not know quite what was implied by all this business of dresses , but he sensed something ugly — and flinched .
24 The judge was about to pass sentence , but broke into the proceedings and stood up saying : ‘ One does not know quite what to say in a case like this — the King is dead . ’
25 The health authority is entitled to object and does object to being subject to an order of the court with penal consequences in the event of disobedience when it does not know precisely what is required of it .
26 We do not know precisely what stage the likelihood of significant harm had reached at the time when Thorpe J. gave his judgment on 12 May 1992 , but , he spoke of the need to strike
27 Muriel did not know precisely what she was trying to convey — more than consolation ; nothing she could have explained .
28 It is not search because we do not know precisely what we are looking for .
29 Surely he did not know precisely what was going on ?
30 The first was that de Gaulle did not know precisely what the future held for Algeria .
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