Example sentences of "[not/n't] make for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But that would not make for easy writing , still less reading .
2 These films do not make for easy viewing .
3 Court permission has been granted to sell the property and advice is being sought as to the best way to approach this but the state of the building and the effects of the economic situation do not make for easy decisions .
4 Without following Jakobson 's analysis in detail — it does not make for easy reading — I shall simply give examples of the sort of relationship he identifies under each of these headings .
5 Court permission has been granted to sell the property and advice is being sought as to the best way to approach this but the state of the building and the effects of the economic situation do not make for easy decisions .
6 The Building Regulations themselves do not make for easy reading , but there are various guides designed to explain them and the DoE now produce a Manual to the Building Regulations .
7 They may suggest that you have no confidence in your argument or even that you ca n't make up your mind — and that does not make for much of an argument .
8 But the use of inexpertly laid and brightly coloured bricks , token pitched roofs and arched windows does not make for likeable architecture .
9 Still , one can see him becoming more loath to accept the evil in the good : and while this is charitable , it does not make for powerful story .
10 And even that did not make for encouraging listening .
11 There is nothing wrong with this ; the Commons is , after all , the nearest thing we have to a democratic assembly , but it does not make for thorough and well-informed debate .
12 The NIMBY ( not in my back yard ) attitude , whether at home or abroad , does not make for good environmental policy .
13 Having read a lot of books does not make for good rock'n'roll lyrics — you end up with a band like XTC ; you might like them , sure , but that does n't make them rock'n'roll .
14 Theories do not make for liberating music .
15 In short , both of them combine motley membership with rigid structure — which does not make for relaxed , efficient teamwork .
16 The disconcerting ‘ first-disk ’ string sound may be down to miking difficulties ; likewise the booming timpani and overly forward woodwind , and these things do not make for comfortable listening .
17 It does not make for comfortable listening if one spends the First Act jumping up and down to raise the volume a notch , and the Third , mindful of the neighbours , turning it down again .
18 The decision to fall into line was not made for ignoble reasons , but from financial necessity .
19 Although such will does not defeat the claim of the other spouse under the provisions of the Inheritance ( Provision for Family and Dependants ) Act 1975 , if reasonable provision is not made for that spouse , it might be of " persuasive " use to the court in proceedings under that Act in deciding whether or not to award the surviving spouse a limited interest ( eg until remarriage ) or an absolute interest in the deceased 's share of the matrimonial home .
20 ‘ Sources close to the ‘ artiste ’ suggest the decision to cancel the tour was not made for glamorous or news-worthy reasons , like police/local authority objections or fear on the streets of Britain … just that he ca n't be arsed . ’
21 The draughtsman no doubt had in mind to cover what he would have called all bona fide transfers , that is to say transfers which would be regarded by the Revenue as not made for any fiscal purpose which they would regard as improper .
22 I was not made for this , my Lord , my shepherd .
23 This is in line with the editorial style of the magazines , and with design fashions , but it certainly does n't make for easy reading .
24 Of course , only the bad stories are told ; obviously , the good ones do n't make for good copy .
25 Here was an example of an AE who was perfectly " revved " up This is why he was never sacked , even though his bullishness did n't make for enough sales .
26 She was surprised to notice that they did n't make for either of London 's airports ; rather they seemed to be flying west into the rapidly darkening sky .
27 ‘ If concessions are n't made for those who live in the desert , the results would be economically disastrous ’ , says US Representative Jerry Lewis ( Republican , California ) , who represents most of the rural Mojave .
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