Example sentences of "[not/n't] have [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a ‘ portrait ’ group , though the lost heads will not have been likenesses : a family ( or , if all are women , a group of temple-servants ) .
2 The press had been given nothing but ‘ blurry , distorted photographs culled from television shots of occasions in the past at which North happened to be present ’ ; at best , ABC News had shown ‘ pictures of the back of a man 's head that may or may not have been North 's as the man got into an Embassy car in Cyprus on the occasion of the homeward flight of one of the hostages ’ .
3 As he put it to one of his regional officials : " If Joan of Arc had married and had children , she would not have been Joan of Arc any more . "
4 if it existed , would also have been a causal circumstance for c , and , we might add , would not have been part of a causal sequence including cc .
5 In the morning she wondered if her inspection of the villa 's water-works might not have been part of a dream and looked carefully to confirm that the letter to Signora Kettering was still in her handbag .
6 This would not have been part of the usual flight to Los Angeles .
7 ‘ I had too much respect for Yule Craig and would not have been part of anything that let him down .
8 ‘ You 'll do for me , I 've always voted Labour , ’ said the fan , who may or may not have been colour blind .
9 Accordingly it would catch persons who may not have been customers of the plaintiff at the time when the defendant left his employment but who had become customers subsequently .
10 The terms would not have been Vincent 's , but the note of absolute certainty could be his .
11 Neither do I think it altogether heretical to wonder whether some diseases attributed to evil spirits may not have been forms of mental illness .
12 When we arrive there 's a three inch pile of mail on the floor , the day 's diary overruns one of the computer screens and the breakfast table is set with grapefruit , muesli , cereals , Frank Cooper 's marmalade and a vase of flowers that may or may not have been pinks .
13 It may not have been love at first sight — winged ears and gangly legs have limited appeal — but their relationship was meant to be
14 We remember the great names like Lyell or Darwin , and forget the supporting cast without which they could not have been stars : those in museums classifying their findings .
15 There may or may not have been divisions of opinion in the ranks of the progressive Alliance , but the Conservatives were all too evidently engaged in fratricidal strife .
16 Dinosaurs could not have been moribund because they were still diversifying into new orders .
17 Not only is there no suggestion in the biographical sources or in documents that Fahreddin Acemi ever held a kadilik , but there is also positive evidence that for long periods in his Muftilik he could not have been kadi of Edirne , at least , since someone else was .
18 We should have realized at the time that in the emergency of AD 196 there would not have been time to build walls round town defences .
19 Between then and now there would not have been time for Newley to drive down to Miller 's End , walk to the gazebo , get himself killed and become as cold as he was .
20 Yet , in the model described above , there would not have been time since the big bang for light to get from one distant region to another , even though the regions were close together in the early universe .
21 On the other hand , " the author of Macbeth " is a non-rigid designator , because the author of Macbeth might not have been Shakespeare .
22 But these relationships may not have been partnerships in any of the senses that the word is used today .
23 Altogether I probably interviewed about five hundred persons ( members , parents , deprogrammers , anti-cultists , media etc ) , but not all these interviews were conducted in a systematic way — that is to say , they were with people with whom I happened to make contact , and may not have been representative of the Unification population as a whole .
24 Among the crowd there were heroes of the late war and some who might not have been heroes then but were prepared to be so now .
25 ‘ Without your action there would not have been blood , Coptic blood , on the streets . ’
26 She even wondered if it might not have been Mandy 's laughter-filled anecdotes about summers at the lodge that had coaxed this deep ache of loss within her to the surface of her consciousness .
27 Yet , had the Sri Lankan and British governments opted for a slightly lower dam , then the most heavily populated area , including the town of Teldeniya , would not have been flooded .
28 But if you take the , the servicing sections overall , what we should be able to say is that look okay we 're gon na have a delayed kick in of improved productiv because it , productivity cos of new systems that are helping us , whether it moves us from two point six to two point seven to two point eight is arguable , and we wo n't know that for sure until we get there , but we should n't have is deterioration .
29 Because one things we one thing we do n't have is people running other businesses alongside what we give them .
30 Because what we do n't have is people turning up to work because they 're afraid they 'll lose their job during these recessionary times .
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