Example sentences of "[not/n't] have [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Worried , Wilson confided in Mrs Browning that she feared Ellen might not have received her letter , the posts being so very variable , and was instructed to write again and have it sent with a reply paid , a system she was assured was possible if expensive .
2 Do I take it Councillor that they would not have received it without your visit ?
3 Abraham 's previous experience of God would certainly not have led him to suppose child-sacrifice would please him .
4 In the normal way I would not have followed him into the gunsmith 's , a place of such absolute masculinity , smelling of game and metal , ringing with men 's talk .
5 Tories who feel rebellious about the railways , may not have to push their protest to the point of voting against the government .
6 for if you attempt to answer it and miss the point , the examiner may not be able to give you any marks , because you will not have answered his question .
7 Another fine prospect is Adrian Davies , the Cambridge University captain , but he has n't been blessed with much luck recently and I hope his experiences in Australia , when some of his team-mates threw in the towel , will not have destroyed his confidence .
8 Although politicians at the time would certainly not have viewed it in the same light , with the benefit of hindsight , we can claim that , as both of the main political parties broadly supported Keynesian economics and the existence of the mixed economy , the differences between them were , in today 's terms , relatively small .
9 ‘ Surely , Inspector , Sir Thomas would have noticed the bitter taste — and would not have drunk it ? ’ said James , coming to the rescue .
10 If the patient watches television , it should be positioned so that he is sitting straight to see it : he should not have to turn his head , or bend or crick his neck .
11 Failure to clear up a problem which is or may be legal will usually be fatal , unless the facts admit of only one answer , because it will mean that the jury may not have understood their legal duty .
12 I may not have understood everything I heard at the time , but later it all slotted into place .
13 The argument may not mean what you think ; the author himself may not have understood what he is saying .
14 But it is possible that the Dostoevsky scholar whose book prompted Bayley 's comment might not have understood it — how could an acknowledged great novel , worth writing about at length , be said not to ‘ come off ’ ?
15 Now there are times when Jesus actually sat down with his disciples afterwards and explained to them what the parable was about and there was a reason for that , it was because , simply , the folk would not have understood it .
16 I believe if you had that Mystery Miguel here instead of me , he would not have understood your feelings .
17 Ezek. 22.30 — ‘ I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of the land so that I would not have to destroy it , but I found none . ’
18 To state the relevant causal circumstance , would we not have to do what we can hardly hope to do , which is to enumerate parts of much of the whole state of the universe at or during a time ?
19 By now he had discovered what archdeacons do , and did not have to do everything himself .
20 Cocaine is the kind of drug that does not have to do you harm — unless you 're stupid with it .
21 Agreement on this suggestion would bring the meeting to a close , and most of those present would not have to do anything at all about the wretched book .
22 As it happened , Mr Kim did not have to do anything about this affair .
23 In the first half alone McLean 's men created enough chances to win a handful of games , yet such was their lack of confidence in and around the box that Chris Reid , the young Hibs goalkeeper , did not have to do anything out of the ordinary to keep his side in the game .
24 Herod , even then , did not have to do it .
25 It would certainly not have given him access to the kind of personalized data about effective relationships which her oral history interviews unearthed .
26 Mr Faulks said of the application for the house loan : ‘ What we say he was doing here is , being unable to obtain loans in any other way , he is pretending to be selling his house to this fictitious person in order to get the bank to give him £43,000 on the strength of his house which they would otherwise not have given him . ’
27 It was a joke really , because if she was one of the male officers then she would not have given it a second thought .
28 I 'd not have given you the task otherwise ! ’
29 a wisdom I could not have given you
30 I think a lot of er a lot of wives may not have given you as much information as Maggie did .
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