Example sentences of "[not/n't] been [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Politics-watchers guess that , had Rajiv Gandhi not been assassinated at the end of the general-election campaign two years ago , the BJP would have won roughly as many seats as Congress .
2 Regret theory has several surprising predictions that had not been tested at the time the theory was first presented : for example , it predicts that individuals ' choices may ‘ cycle ’ ( eg A is chosen in preference to B , B in preference to C and C in preference to A ) .
3 A question that has still not been answered at any point during the debate was asked by my hon. Friend the Member for Buckingham ( Mr. Walden ) : what happens if the other countries go ahead without us ?
4 The ancient civilizations were firm believers in a form of hypnosis ( although the word itself had not been coined at that time , only coming into existence in the early nineteenth century : it derives from the Greek hypnos , meaning sleep ) .
5 In some areas , such as the Three Valleys water company region north of London , aquifers have not been replenished at all .
6 The Constitutional Court on March 3 ruled unconstitutional a bill passed in November 1991 [ see p. 38585 ] , which would have allowed prosecutions for serious crimes committed between Dec. 21 , 1944 , and May 2 , 1990 ( notably in the postwar purges and the repression of the 1956 uprising ) , which had not been prosecuted at the time for political reasons as being in conflict with the Constitution .
7 The missed approach is commenced immediately on reaching decision height , if visual contact has not been made at this point .
8 But I would make clear to Mr if he looks at the minutes of the budget review sub-committee , that the suggestion of the director of property services wastes his time fully exploring all options for the disposal of all or any part of the County Farms estate , for which he probably asks for a large amount of money , since it involves an enormous amount of wasted time , is not been agreed , it 's a non-delegated item , it was a recommendation of this committee which has not been moved at this committee , and it was a most unfortunate and woolly form of words .
9 When you remove the old guttering , even if you find that the top part of the fascia board has not been painted at all , paint it now — after repairing any damage , including any caused by removing the guttering .
10 To be sure , the last page of the last chapter had not been written at the death of the last apostle any more than it had at the death of the Messiah ; but , like him , the disciples enjoyed the characteristic gift of the end , the Holy Spirit whom the prophets knew would be poured out in the last days .
11 Omar Kujabi , a Senegalese labourer and amateur wrestler , has not been seen at the Abuko reserve , near Banjul , since the body of Mrs Penelope Hiscocks , 42 , was found in the grounds of a house where she had been staying .
12 Someone said that O had not been seen at his job in the video hire shop for the whole week either .
13 Then a wave formed , the like of which had not been seen at Pipeline that winter .
14 Certainly this method of drawing has not been seen at a later date , and it would have been difficult to produce this quality and style of work in quantity .
15 He had not been seen at all at his office .
16 The Italian Classic , due to have been played next month , has been moved from its original slot and is in danger of not been played at all .
17 This dog would clearly have been a dual champion had he not been killed at an early age , constituting a great loss to the Australian show scene .
18 Some were gentlemen who felt strongly , like his lordship himself , that fair play had not been done at Versailles and that it was immoral to go on punishing a nation for a war that was now over .
19 In the case of Charles the Bald , though , given the rich documentation , and the giants ' spadework , the surprising thing ( to invert Dr Johnson on women preachers ) is not that it 's been done badly , but that — with two partial exceptions — it has not been done at all .
20 In this state it is not unusual for the subject to think that he has not been hypnotized at all , but has simply felt very relaxed for a short time .
21 A weak version of the first argument is that put forward by opponents of the trade union movement claiming that , if wage rates had not been maintained at what they call an artificially high level , the introduction of labour-saving equipment would have been retarded and the number of available jobs increased .
22 Gust becos I cud not spel It did not mean I was daft When the boys in school red my riting Some of them laffed But now I am the dictater They have to rite like me Utherwise they can not pas Ther GCSE Some of the girls wer ok But those who laffed a lot Have al bean rownded up And have recintly bean shot The teecher who corrected my speling As not been shot at al But four the last fifteen howers As bean standing up against a wal He has to stand ther until he can spel Figgymisgrugifooniyn the rite way I think he will stand ther forever I just inventid it today
23 In the noble eloquence of his plea for conciliation with the colonists , Burke , who based his case on the proposition that they had not been represented at Westminster , drew a strange and illogical conclusion .
24 On Aug. 27 ECOWAS officials met with Ulimo chairman Raleigh Seekie in Freetown , Sierra Leone , to persuade him to commit Ulimo , which had not been represented at earlier talks , to applying the peace accord and surrendering its weapons .
25 Unfortunately there is no evidence to offer from BSL since the natural order of emergence of BSL has not been studied at all .
26 My bicycle was there , and it had not been damaged at all .
27 o Damage to outbuildings or walls where the main dwelling has not been damaged at the same time .
28 The course has not been costed at present but this information will be made available as soon as possible .
29 In Jean et Blonde , the hero 's beloved , although English , is described in terms of perfection , and the fact that ‘ There was just a suspicion in her speech/ That she had not been born at Pontoise ’ is a very minor and venial offence against courloisie .
30 It slapped a ‘ for sale ’ sign on both flagships some months ago but buyers have not been queuing at the door .
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