Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 If agreement to purchase land needed for particular projects can not be secured and a compulsory purchase order is made , persons affected may object .
2 His influence in stemming the Swansea flow could not be overstated and he now looks certain to face his fellow countrymen in two weeks ' time .
3 The farmer begged and prayed that his oxen might not be eaten and promised that , if the tiger would spare them , he would give in exchange a fine fat young milk cow of his wife 's .
4 The siege lasted almost a year , ; Philip VI put in an appearance with a relieving army at the beginning of August 1347 but he came to the conclusion that the English could not be dislodged and went away again .
5 Does not the Secretary of State understand that the people in the Forth Valley health board area will greet his decision with great dismay , especially the families of the mentally handicapped patients in that hospital , who do not have a vote , could not be consulted and who are now greatly exercised by the prospect of being cast into the free market system ?
6 It can not be prescribed and controlled .
7 The artist who speaks , works , paints behind the curtain can not be named and labelled and authenticated — pinned down — as tidily as the academic art historian , identifying a drawing , would believe .
8 ‘ Charles could not be crowned and be head of the Church of England .
9 1.44 Reference was made earlier to cases in which delay arose because a defendant could not be served and the fact that a writ would not necessarily be renewed in these circumstances .
10 If careful investigation reveals a secure and successful domestic situation , then there should be no reason why a child should not be adopted and raised by the couple .
11 The complexity increases as the square of the number of components so that simple analysis techniques can not be employed and catastrophe theory and perturbation analysis are examples of appropriate analysis procedures .
12 But the squatters are adamant they will not be moved and argue they are testing the good faith of whites who profess to want change .
13 Leese 's ludicrous argument appeared even more bizarre , given his inflexible belief that acquired characteristics could not be inherited and that genetic endowment and not environment , culture or education determined behaviour ; when applied to mankind these ideas led him to criticize Spengler and other nationalists for seeing culture rather than race as determining human action .
14 Office can not be inherited and members of the apparatus do not constitute a closed group .
15 Sir Anthony says : ‘ The paper concluded that the applications for membership could not be supported and that there should be a full inquiry ihnto the takeover activities and share dealings of James Ferguson and its related companies and connections , including the Barlow Clowes Group . ’
16 There are obviously important facets of the local political system — such as power , patronage and personality — which can not be quantified and so must be left out of the ‘ explanation ’ .
17 There is some support for the proposition that such a loan , if made to a person fully capable of repaying the same and , for instance , charged against property in the United Kingdom , gives the taxpayer minimal benefit from the case of O " Leary v McKinlay [ 1991 ] STC 42 where Vinelott J at p51 , dealing with a Schedule E beneficial loan , stated the following : If an employer lends money to an employee free of interest or at a favourable rate of interest and if the employee is free to exploit the money in any manner he chooses his employment can not be said to have been the source of the income derived from the exploitation ; the employer is the source of the money and the taxpayer is assessable to tax under Sch E on the benefit to him of obtaining the loan on the terms on which the loan was made ; but if the loan is repayable on demand that benefit can not be quantified and form the basis of an assessment under Sch E. It is arguable if property is held by a non-resident trust for A for life and B absolutely that if the trustees lend money to A at interest then if A allows the trustees not to pursue him in his capacity as borrower for the interest that no benefit will arise .
18 Your solicitor , during the course of making enquiries about the home you are going to buy , may not uncover a right of way because it may not be registered and the present occupant of the property may not be aware that there is a legal right .
19 The surface must not be touched and it must be stored in a cool dry place away from electrical equipment because it is magnetic .
20 The short cloak had three advantages over the coat : it need not be tailored and so was available ‘ off the peg ’ ; it was more fashionable ; and it allowed unhindered access to the sword .
21 It could not be called and therefore it falls .
22 The findings could not be repeated and the theory died .
23 He said the colonel had assured him that attacks on embassies would not be repeated and difficulties over foreigners obtaining exit visas had been ended .
24 It was a bit of a Catch 22 situation because without signing the car could not be tested and without a test it could not be driven on the road . ’
25 That is not to say that sexual partners of people with recurrent candidal infection should not be sought and examined — many cases of treatment-resistant thrush are due to repeated reinfection by an asymptomatic carrier .
26 It does seem to me an extraordinary catalogue of errors erm and one can well understand how errors take p er could , could have occurred during the somewhat co chaotic passage of the Railways Bill er what , what can not be understood and what is quite inexcusable is , is the fact that no steps adequate steps have been taken to correct those errors and to assure the er continued existence of a er Transport Police which er h h has the sole responsibility for er policing large public spaces in , in this country and er as the Noble Lord has made clear , er does it honour er very considerable scale , very effectively er I hope that the Minister will find it possible to make a favourable reply to the arguments which have been raised .
27 If you attempt to have more files open at one time than allowed for BBCBASIC(Z80) , the file will not be created and you will get a " Too many files open " error .
28 But in recent years the knowledge of the role of electricity in the treatment of disease has developed considerably , and there are no technical reasons why the findings and the techniques outlined can not be implemented and developed immediately by any competent specialist .
29 We have said goodbye to a person who can not be replaced and the rest of us will have to work the harder and care the more in order to try to fill the gap left by his passing .
30 By then it was inevitable , given such wide terms of reference and the thoroughness expected of an inquiry by a Royal Commission , that its report could not be completed and delivered until after a General Election had taken place and , as it turned out , a new Government had come into power .
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