Example sentences of "[not/n't] that [pers pn] do " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I mean I The important thing is I think the children do recognize the differences , not that they do n't notice the differences , because they 're Like you say they 're capable of using the other if it if it suits them .
2 Not that they did n't work ; it just seems that teaching machines have no charisma or charm .
3 Not that they did n't have an appreciation of the arts because they were a very musical family .
4 It was not that they did n't know about the brain .
5 Moustaches were allowed , not that they did much for a few who grew them .
6 In fact , if the problem is set within the context of an evidently powerful late-tenth-century Danish monarchy , it is difficult to believe that Harald Bluetooth or his son could not have introduced a naval system had they wished , and when the concern about the country 's southern land defences is remembered , along with the importance that must also have been attached to protection from sea-borne attack , it might seem more likely than not that they did wish .
7 Not that we did n't check on Elsie , as much as we could … ’
8 It 's not that we did n't get on together , it 's just we had nothing in common .
9 ‘ It is not that we do n't like banks , just , well , I 've never even had a personal overdraft . ’
10 ‘ It 's not that we do n't love each other , ’ explained Louise .
11 ‘ It 's not that we do n't believe you , Mr Blufton , it 's just that what you said was a bit of a surprise . ’
12 Er , a knowledge but erm , I would have to move that we can not accept this recommendation because , it 's not that we do n't er support the scheme within this paper , but it 's that we can not accept .
13 Not , not that we do , I know but
14 It was not that I did not love her .
15 I think they are still claiming well it 's not that I did n't know , but anyway Ken
16 I think still claiming well it 's not that I did n't know , but anyway er Ken
17 ‘ It 's not that I do n't want to say anything but I just do n't know what to say , ’ John Ryan , the Welsh coach , sighed .
18 It 's not that I do n't try — I do .
19 ‘ It 's not that I do n't care .
20 It 's not that I do n't want your company .
21 The other three more closely fit the latter than the former model : Mrs Mitchell 's daughter wanted her mother admitted permanently to the local psychiatric hospital ( knowing that she would not be eligible for residential care because of the severity of her condition ) ; but she also added — ‘ not that I do n't want her at home too — I love my mother — it 's just that the strain is too much for me ’ .
22 It 's not that I do n't want to …
23 Not that I do n't admire roaring entertainers , but a talk show requires some give and take , some exchange .
24 Not that I do n't deserve a view when you consider the rent of the place .
25 ‘ It 's not that I do n't want to be with you , Julia .
26 ‘ It is not that I do n't long for my former mate , But because of you I wo n't reach my flock . ’
27 Not that I do it , I mean if I tried to read all that stuff , I 'd never leave home but I mean they actually give a a an advice list which we can then comply with .
28 Not that I do n't like you , Simon , but you would think if the man goes to all this trouble to rescue me he could at least stay around afterwards . ’
29 Do n't get me wrong , Loretta , ’ he added , ‘ It 's not that I do n't like her .
30 ‘ Listen , it 's not that I do n't trust you , but …
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