Example sentences of "[not/n't] a [adv] good " in BNC.

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1 Everything 's owned by the by the government and er , I know it 's not a right good thing , like , but if it could work properly , it would be a damn good thing .
2 ‘ We are concerned and the scenario for us is not a particularly good one .
3 This is not a particularly good joke , but it was delivered neatly .
4 Chelsea are not a particularly good team and they did not have to play well to win this often tedious match .
5 Jogging is not a particularly good form of exercise ( especially on city pavements ) ; all that pounding can put a great deal of strain on the lower back and can damage the knees .
6 It is not a particularly good book and Niki despises it , but it does have some home truths in it .
7 Though it was not a particularly good painting , as it happens , Ian had tried especially hard at it ; very hard in fact .
8 These figures suggest that interviewing by telephone is not a particularly good way of cutting down the high refusal rate customary in sociolinguistic surveys ; but interestingly , Nordberg ( 1980 ) reports a very much lower refusal rate in Sweden .
9 Here , he was not a particularly good teacher , but he was by no means a disaster .
10 The Eighties were not a particularly good time for the young .
11 On the other hand , it 's not a particularly good idea to read too many obstetric textbooks about unlikely complications .
12 Should n't we have the courage to say ‘ This is not a terribly good idea ? ’
13 So er I thought well he , he was not a too good a rep because he , he could n't answer this question .
14 They have a piano — not a very good one ! — which is connected to a computer .
15 Now I might have extra players so that there can be some moments of rest for the players in one of the very long symphonies ; but in Bruckner 's day it was often a matter of re-scoring a passage because you knew that the third horn was not a very good player and that is all you had .
16 If you are recovering from an over-use injury , an immediate return to tarmac-pounding is not a very good idea .
17 Gedge agrees it is a great statement , but not a very good song .
18 Unfortunately he was not a very good business man .
19 But it is not a very good one , since it is available only until the moment that Titius brings suit .
20 Or they are but I 'm not a very good person to bring out these effects , I do n't know which is true . ’
21 Unfortunately it was not a very good lute , as the assistant in the music shop to which he tried to sell it pointed out at — unnecessarily — great length .
22 Admittedly , I suppose , it is not a very good idea for Foreign Office ministers to use pejorative nicknames in public , but no one could really complain that it was a filthy racist slur .
23 It was not a very good French side , but they showed many of the basic national virtues and that was what gave them their narrow victory .
24 ‘ Well , you 're not a very good judge of character , though , are you , Lauren ? ’
25 ‘ There are the possible makings of not a very good night for the Republicans , ’ said CBS television newsreader Dan Rather .
26 Annus Horribilis ? 1992 was certainly not a very good year
27 It was not a very good day today , and he had a terrible feeling that it was going to get worse .
28 Working through a lunch-break is usually not a very good idea .
29 It 's not a very good story , is it ?
30 Surely , implanting the word ‘ lemon ’ in a potential critic 's mind is not a very good idea ?
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