Example sentences of "[not/n't] going [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , either Mr Smith or Mr Jones had remarked : ‘ Are we not going on with the journey ? ’
2 I 'm not going on with the lecture if they 're going to play their childish little games in here . ’
3 Often the buyer will exercise both remedies at once , i.e. will reject the goods and will also indicate that he is not going on with the contract , e.g. by demanding his money back .
4 It was n't just us ; we were both concerned about what was happening to girls in YTP because this conference today is talking about training and employment and so many of the young girls in West Belfast , the girls who are not going on to third level education , go into YTP .
5 There was also what was to become a recurrent feature of Gilkes 's reports — as indeed it had been for a half a century already — regret at the parents ' lack of faith or courage , which resulted in boys leaving early and not going on to University .
6 I shall go at sixty three at the latest , I 'm not going on to sixty five
7 I thought you were supposed to be finding out what he was working on , not going on about what he might or might not have done with Suzanne Regan . ’
8 ‘ I 'm not going on about anything , John , ’ said Jannie .
9 ‘ Tell me , ’ said Robert , as they walked up the High Street , ‘ and I 'm not going on about it , but exactly why did Ali sentence me to death ? ’
10 ‘ We inhabitants of the post-historical world ’ , he trumpets , ‘ will have to keep in mind that the truly fundamental transformation in world politics are not going on in a desolate Middle Eastern desert , but back in cette vielle Europe which was the cradle of the idea of human freedom ’ .
11 ‘ You 're not going up to your room till you 've washed up the supper things . ’
12 But we they were very good about going out , I 'm not going up to her again !
13 Well we 're going home now , we 're not going up to Shr to Andy 's straight away .
14 I am not going up to never
15 ‘ I 'm not going up on one of those things ! ’
16 No , she was not going along with his decision as to how they should spend their holiday .
17 Not going along with stories of depression or stress .
18 It does have the advantage of the computer not going off in the heat of the moment and hurting some innocent bank clerk , though . ’
19 " I reckon you 're very wise not going in for this lark , " Joanne said , shifting the mound of her body uncomfortably under the bedclothes .
20 He 's not going in for any pretending over a baby unless he comes in for a share of the cash , bloody ridiculous it is .
21 I am bound to say My Lords that my own view is still that the size within the limits laid down by statute with a minimum of sixteen or eighteen and maximum of twenty-four would best be determined locally and if we 're not going in for a national police force , I still ca n't see what it has to do with the Secretary of State and why the Home Office should be settling the size of forty-three or so police authorities .
22 They are not going in at the moment but that does n't worry me because he is a smashing lad doing the right things again .
23 I was emotionally devastated , but I was not going back with the intention of finding a man to take care of me , to pay my bills , to embellish me and play papa as Helmut had .
24 We are not going back on that , ’ a source said .
25 Her reply is , ‘ You are not going back on something you finished with .
26 ‘ I 'm not going back on my word . ’
27 You 're not going back on what you said , are you ? ’
28 You 're not going back for a month ?
29 I 'm not going back to Low Riding , I do n't care how filthy the oven is .
30 Imagine you 're at home and you 're not going back to that madhouse .
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