Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 If agreement to purchase land needed for particular projects can not be secured and a compulsory purchase order is made , persons affected may object .
2 His influence in stemming the Swansea flow could not be overstated and he now looks certain to face his fellow countrymen in two weeks ' time .
3 Thus the letter to the shop manager should have instructed him that the goods should not be exposed or displayed or offered for sale without the label first being removed .
4 In each case the land has been exploited far beyond its true potential — out of dire necessity during the Wars , and now for blind greed and short-term gain resulting in vast surpluses which can not be eaten or sold .
5 The farmer begged and prayed that his oxen might not be eaten and promised that , if the tiger would spare them , he would give in exchange a fine fat young milk cow of his wife 's .
6 The siege lasted almost a year , ; Philip VI put in an appearance with a relieving army at the beginning of August 1347 but he came to the conclusion that the English could not be dislodged and went away again .
7 He appears to have occupied a middle position , holding that while Gentile Christians need not be circumcised or keep traditional Jewish festivals , they should respect Jewish food laws .
8 This liability , under Part I of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 , can not be limited or excluded at all — see paragraphs 9–6 to 9–14 above .
9 Furthermore , liability can not be limited or excluded by virtue of s7 of CPA 1987 by any contract term , notice or otherwise .
10 Under s.26(2) , a plan of the premises need not be lodged but only a site plan is required until the provisional grant is affirmed .
11 Both parties have invited this court to proceed on the basis that the validity of the appointment is not and can not be disputed or decided on this application .
12 Much of the waste can not be reprocessed or disposed of safely and therefore threatens to pollute the environment for hundreds of years to come .
13 The program operates directly on the database files and LIFESPAN must not be restarted nor the stand-alone utilities run until the LIFESPAN ABLE program has finished .
14 The program operates directly on the database files and LIFESPAN must not be restarted nor the Hard Copy or Validation facilities run until the LISTREL program has finished .
15 The ‘ bleep test , ’ the faceless , metronomic PT Instructor which can not be cursed or cheated , has honed the squads to a peak of measurable athletic performance , suggesting that our cricketers are fitter than our rugby players .
16 Does not the Secretary of State understand that the people in the Forth Valley health board area will greet his decision with great dismay , especially the families of the mentally handicapped patients in that hospital , who do not have a vote , could not be consulted and who are now greatly exercised by the prospect of being cast into the free market system ?
17 It can not be prescribed and controlled .
18 The artist who speaks , works , paints behind the curtain can not be named and labelled and authenticated — pinned down — as tidily as the academic art historian , identifying a drawing , would believe .
19 ‘ Charles could not be crowned and be head of the Church of England .
20 However , their benefits are much less tangible than a physical product in that they can not be stored or displayed and satisfaction is achieved through activities ( e.g. transportation from one place to another rather than say a seat on a train ) .
21 1.44 Reference was made earlier to cases in which delay arose because a defendant could not be served and the fact that a writ would not necessarily be renewed in these circumstances .
22 If careful investigation reveals a secure and successful domestic situation , then there should be no reason why a child should not be adopted and raised by the couple .
23 The complexity increases as the square of the number of components so that simple analysis techniques can not be employed and catastrophe theory and perturbation analysis are examples of appropriate analysis procedures .
24 With sufficient funds to travel to many active libraries , it enables the British Library Information Officer for User Education to make more personal contact , and thus frequently acquire information that would otherwise not be volunteered or made public .
25 In particular the teaching force will not be regenerated or remotivated in the ways that are necessary ( and possible ) , and which alone will lead to the real and sustained improvements in the quality of the service delivered to pupils .
26 But he looked at Iago Vaughan , and was suddenly aware that his motives would not be questioned nor his matter suspected .
27 Under the terms of the new law ( much of which remained classified ) covert action was defined as any " activity or activities of the United States government to influence political , economic or military conditions abroad , where it is intended that the role of the United States government will not be acknowledged or apparent " .
28 But the squatters are adamant they will not be moved and argue they are testing the good faith of whites who profess to want change .
29 Leese 's ludicrous argument appeared even more bizarre , given his inflexible belief that acquired characteristics could not be inherited and that genetic endowment and not environment , culture or education determined behaviour ; when applied to mankind these ideas led him to criticize Spengler and other nationalists for seeing culture rather than race as determining human action .
30 Office can not be inherited and members of the apparatus do not constitute a closed group .
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