Example sentences of "[not/n't] [to-vb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She seemed not to realize that she had come to regard herself as a prisoner ; a hostage perhaps , engaged in some frightening psychological duel .
2 Henry II would need to have been an unusually stupid man not to realize that there were bound to be difficult moments in the relationship between him and his heir .
3 The fools , not to see that what they madly desire would be such a calamity to them as no hands but their own could bring upon them . ’
4 But not to see that it exists shows a surprising ( and therefore interesting ) blindness .
5 The position of the health professional — doctor , health visitor , or nurse — is not to pretend that their bit of health promotion is going to have more than a small additive effect to all the other necessary inputs , and they should be aware that they may be wasting their time if the other inputs are not there .
6 Though we can not look at things from all points of view at once , we can at least learn not to pretend that we are doing so .
7 Again , this is not to claim that we all aspire to it equally : it is simply to claim that , whatever our personal specific goals , some amount of money is almost invariably required for their realisation .
8 This is not to claim that there would be a change in their basic natural impulses ( to assist animals or fellow beings , to protect children , prefer friends , and so on ) .
9 Where a more serious breach of contract occurs , or you are sacked , you will need to consider whether or not to claim that you have been wrongfully dismissed .
10 As Gabriel Josipovici has said , ‘ To imagine , like the traditional novelist , that one 's work is an image of the real world , to imagine that one can communicate directly to the reader what it is that one uniquely feels , that is to fall into the real solipsism , which is , to paraphrase Kierkegaard on despair , not to know that one is in a state of solipsism ’ ( The World and the Book ) .
11 He will be criminally liable unless he was so insane as either ‘ not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing ’ , or ‘ not to know that what he was doing was against the law ’ .
12 Using that as a working theory , I 'd say there was some sort of time limit involved — I mean , a time during which it is imperative for people not to know that he 's dead , but a time that comes to an end , after which it does n't matter so much . "
13 But she was not to know that he had had this desire , and went into the house with head bent , feeling that she had been a failure .
14 Yes very , you know , so I mean I 'm not to know that he 'd not already told somebody else .
15 He affected not to know that I was terribly poor .
16 If in addition promises were made , as it seems they were , of helping to boost wage rates , and if particular grievances were also thrown into the package , it is not necessarily paradoxical that women should have agreed both to the five-year ban on entry ( they were not to know that it would really be a permanent one ) and to the assigning of all new machines to men .
17 This man was not to know that it very nearly was , by Auguste 's reckoning .
18 Stalin was not to know that his criteria would exclude many nations that were subsequently to emerge ( for example , Pakistan , without a common language or territory , but with a common religion ) , and force some groups into being nations ( the most notorious example being the black American population ) .
19 He was too intelligent not to know that she was reassuring him .
20 It is difficult not to infer that they grew to suffer deprivations more impatiently and to believe more strongly that earthly happiness was attainable .
21 You have too much good sense not to discover that I , in spite of my heart and all the pride of it , can not but love you and have put on a behaviour to you that was much against my heart , in hopes to frighten you from your reservedness .
22 But it is vital to start the financial management debate with knowledge of the business you are in and not to presume that there are universal systems which suit every circumstance .
23 To assert that the knave of hearts was the person who stole the tarts is not to assert that one believes that it was he who stole them .
24 This is not to assert that his explanation is always true , but that it is a theoretical explanation which can be tested empirically , either in therapeutic encounters or , a more difficult task , with interviews using a representative sample .
25 We ought not to assume that our own interests will be those of our children .
26 It became clear from talking to parents that I had to see how what they said actually hooked up with their experience , the fine detail of it , and not to assume that I knew exactly what kind of lived experience lay behind a familiar form of words .
27 Low achievement and social disadvantage are clearly associated , though it is important not to assume that there is a simple relation between them .
28 Hunt as the Surveyor to the Dean and Chapter of the Abbey must have been involved , and it is difficult not to assume that he had a conflict of loyalties in this transaction .
29 But this is not to suggest that their behaviour is unpatterned .
30 This is not to suggest that we are complacent .
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