Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] be that " in BNC.

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1 The second reason why the CAP can not survive is that all practical considerations are subordinated to political expediency .
2 What she did not know was that Moran , with his good looks and military fame , had once been king of these barn dances and now that he had neither youth nor fame would not take a lesser place .
3 What she could not know was that by refusing to deal with the Protestant threat until the crown matrimonial had been obtained , she would throw away the strongest card in her anti-Protestant hand before having a chance to play it .
4 What they did not know was that their legendary luck was about to run out .
5 What they did not know was that in ten years time , that beautiful picture was to be blighted by Britain 's first commercial nuclear power station .
6 What startled spectator did not know was that a chiropractor on the Olympic Staff had given him a spinal adjustment immediately after the accident .
7 What they did not know was that the examination of the diamonds had finished before midnight to the complete satisfaction of Zack and his accomplices .
8 What Arrhenius did not know was that there is a large amount of X-radiation washing about in space , and to this his hypothetical spores would certainly have been vulnerable .
9 What the ‘ teacher ’ volunteer did not know was that the whole experiment was a set-up and that the ‘ learner ’ was in fact a co-worker of Milgram 's .
10 What she did not know was that Freddie had two children by his other woman .
11 What he did not know was that the Government , by the next day , would be anxious to retreat from the formula , and that the miners ' executive , having dispersed itself from London , would give them all day in which to do so .
12 What that smarmy jock did not know was that a cousin of Proby , who is in insurance , had insured the grandstand disguised as a car — third party fire and theft .
13 What Mickey did not know was that Mrs Moon was so concerned about the loss of her pension book that she had offered £1,000,000 to anyone who found it !
14 What I did not know was that Vivien Eliot was in the audience .
15 What she did not know was that it was not so much that the work was difficult , but that there was so very much of it , and all tiring .
16 And what she did not know was that she had even more lessons to learn — and that some of them might not be pleasant .
17 ‘ What your map may not show is that the only way down to Thira anchorage is by mule-track down a precipitous cliff .
18 What the child does not understand is that unfortunately the GIANTS have to do this .
19 This Edouard knew : what he could not understand was that in the years since the end of the war Jean-Paul had made no attempt to restore the house .
20 The second reason why a simplistic relationship between agricultural technology and relations of production can not occur is that there are frequently many important local variations in technology which can only be uncovered by detailed analysis of settlement histories and cultural development .
21 What Ferguson had found and what the left just could not see was that when Hollywood really tried they produced a thing that ought not be pedantically analysed for ‘ the thing exists by itself for its moments on the screen , unquestionable ’ .
22 What he may not realize is that often when he puts money in , the bank effectively takes money out .
23 What they did not realize was that the express train had a restaurant car and the slow train did not .
24 What he did not realize was that the same combination of forces could be used against the monarchy .
25 The second reason why playing the numbers game with female and male psychologists does not work is that it involves equating women with feminists .
26 What Branson did not envisage was that the dissenting faction of the Time Out staff would leave to produce their own magazine , City Limits , run on the cooperative principles eschewed by Tony Elliott ; and that Time Out would return to the streets largely shorn of its radical bent — in fact , very much the magazine Branson wished Event to be .
27 What I did not anticipate was that this would prove to be a matter as much of intrigue and scandal as of science .
28 It must sometimes puzzle the Russians how easy it is to plant such nonsense on British intelligence but what they do not appreciate is that if defectors did not invent such silly tales MI5 and MI6 would do so themselves anyway .
29 What it does not mention is that the little club from the wrong side of the Mersey crashed out 9-1 in the replay , their worst defeat .
30 What Ken did not tell was that he was sitting on a chamber pot when Sir Noel walked into the dressing room .
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