Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] i would " in BNC.

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1 I did not think I would stay with the band forever .
2 Do you not think I would know if he was still alive , especially if he was living here in Beirut ? ’
3 The case really turned on section 78 , as to which the judge had said ‘ whilst accepting the impressive evidence of the doctor , I do not think I would be justified in excluding this confession , ’ adding ‘ I do not think that section 78 really is aimed at , in truth , the circumstances here appertaining . ’
4 Now I have nothing against Terry as a person , although I do not think I would cross the road to help him if he were run over by a lorry , but that is neither here nor there .
5 I do not think I would be out of order in recalling a private conversation with the Secretary of State for Transport about a year ago on this subject .
6 Later , when I was more familiar with the beliefs and practices of the movement and had ‘ learned the language ’ , I would interact with the Moonies as though I were one of them , and , although I never pretended that I accepted their beliefs or that I was anything other than a sociologist studying the movement , members who did not know me would mistake me for a member — the Moonies themselves were no longer ‘ translating ’ for me when we were interacting .
7 ‘ I told the IFA that if we got to the World Cup finals and they wanted me to stay on I would and if we did not qualify I would stand down , ’ says Bingham .
8 He went on to say that if I did not return I would be making myself voluntarily homeless and would never be re-housed .
9 If I felt compelled to hold that the taxpayer in this case could not recover I would share the no little regret expressed by my noble and learned friend , Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle .
10 ‘ I do n't think I would if I were you , Wendy . ’
11 I do n't think I would ever do such a thing again , but when the depression settles on me I 'm very vulnerable , and if I went to see a film and it had a drowning sequence in it , or swirling water , then you just ca n't tell .
12 If I was stupid I do n't think I would have got this far .
13 ‘ I do n't think I would have ever thought any more about it , except that years later my mother was reading a novel about gypsies and discovered that Dohti was an old Romany name .
14 I do n't think I would have it in me to start again with another group .
15 I still did n't think I would die , but I had no idea how I was going to live .
16 If I had something important to say on television I do n't think I would choose a Sunday afternoon .
17 I am really glad of it ; I do n't think I would want them to be there , just in case I lost .
18 I did n't think I would confess .
19 However , I do n't think I would stop playing my Gibson ES175 to play that all the time .
20 I do n't think I would actually want to be a producer , but I know I 'm capable of doing it if I chose to . ’
21 ‘ It 's not my game and I do n't think I would like it much .
22 I really did n't think I would win and did n't have a speech prepared .
23 ‘ I do n't think I would benefit .
24 I do n't think I would have gone on with my own writing if you had n't shown such interest and liking for my work ( which I must admit I was a bit suspicious at first ! ) .
25 They are but not as I saw things at the time — I did n't think I would marry .
26 I do n't think I would have gone to London to govern Scotland . ’
27 But I do n't think I would .
28 I counted on being able to dodge my way on to the ferry and I did n't think I would need any money once I got to France .
29 But if they had n't been there , if they had been different kinds of men erm , I do n't think I would have been able to pick someone to be my husband or my partner who could be a decent father to my kids .
30 I do n't think I would leave Scotland within the the near future because I love Iron Bru too much , and I would n't get in some other places or
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