Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [to-vb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Then came a day of snow showers , and she did not want to drive and waited until the late afternoon while Magnus sat and whined by the door .
2 ‘ Both races hope for prosperity , prosperity means expansion , expansion means immigration , immigration means British ’ ; the syllogism was false , in logic and experience , but it was good enough for those who did not want to go where logic and experience pointed .
3 Johnson soon wished to leave , and pressed Boswell , who , of his very nature , did not want to go until he had met the Earl .
4 But here 's a thought for both men : there are times when a nation has to be persuaded to do something that it does not want to do because its future welfare demands it .
5 The Commission make us do things that we do not want to do and stops us doing what we want to .
6 It already makes us do things that we do not want to do and stops us doing things that we want to do .
7 But people do not want to complain because of the stresses and strains of going public with that information .
8 Caterina judged then , as she watched Rosa pin her hair , that the ease with which she , Caterina , won applause — when she danced and sang the cherry song , or strewed flowers before the host in the procession , making a little reverence to the monstrance on every third step backwards — was undeserved , the effect of some trick she did not want to perform but that came to her naturally from some evil in her , the same evil that had inspired her bad thoughts of Tommaso and prevented her doing as her sister , her beloved sister , wanted .
9 ‘ It was a derby which City did not want to lose and we were left to make the running a lot of the time .
10 Bacon did not want to teach but liked the studio that was offered him , and so replaced Minton , less as a tutor than as an honorary visitor .
11 We do not want to say that one kind of state causes the other kind , but neither does it make much sense to say that they are ‘ parallel ’ or ‘ identical ’ .
12 I do not want to say that we are going to get rid of everyone , only those who are our enemies .
13 On the one hand , it is clear that we depend for survival upon our bodies , whereas we may not want to say that God depends upon the world for survival .
14 Viewed as an ‘ independent robot ’ , I am happy to admit that a particular area of my brain controls my digestive processes and ‘ I ’ do not , but I certainly do not want to say that that brain area is ‘ aware ’ of those processes .
15 I do not want to say that there has been a huge leap in the past year or so , because that would not true , but there has been a big leap since 1980 .
16 Again , on a truth-conditional theory of semantics , those meanings can not be captured we would not want to say that B 's assertion in ( ii ) was false if B had simply misidentified A and assumed mistakenly that A was a male superior ( that would make truths relative to whomsoever they are addressed ) .
17 I would not want to say that I could criticise that parent , because I do n't know the background of it .
18 I would not want to say that I could criticise that parent , because I do n't know the background of it .
19 He did not want to die and yet his increasing depression was making existence intolerable .
20 I should like to learn what , if anything , I can do here to enrol for any suitable course to get me into the business world or administration as I do not want to wait till I return to the UK , on leave , in mid-June till I begin finding out more about your courses .
21 The d between service and working class would be much smaller , +0.09 , but we might not want to conclude that the second society displayed smaller class differentials ; after all , ten times as many service as working class children attend selective schools in the latter case , while only three times as many do in the former .
22 He said there were items which he had wanted to buy but Mrs Knight did not want to sell and he did not take them away .
23 Although Bouton and his collaborators have failed to establish context-specificity after simple conditioning , they would not want to claim that such an effect can never be seen — there is ample evidence from experiments using rather different training procedures that a change of context can produce a performance deficit .
24 Julia closed her eyes , partly because that was a question she did not want to answer and partly because she thought it might help to stop her flinging her arms around his neck and saying , kiss me , oh please kiss me .
25 Extreme irritability ; does not want to talk or be disturbed and may later be stupefied , a state of stupor bordering on unconsciousness even .
26 Blanche did not want to mention that it was Capron who had forbidden Urquhart to meet her again .
27 I simply did not want to play and confess that I was close to giving up completely .
28 Being vain , Mussolini did not want to admit that his German was insufficient for a diplomatic conversation .
29 Never ‘ over-pitch ’ such technicality , because potential buyers will generally pretend that they understand , and will not want to admit that they do not because of ‘ loss of face ’ .
30 She decided that she did not want to stay because she did not like the job .
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