Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [adv] whether " in BNC.

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1 They do not discuss clearly whether in class society they consider all aspects of cognition to be moulded by false consciousness or only certain aspects .
2 We do not know yet whether he wants to extend his visit for a short time to see friends , or become a student , or stay permanently . ’
3 It does not matter much whether the government taxes the incomes of rich people or taxes the goods that rich people buy .
4 We can not see directly whether a fossil animal was warm or cold-blooded when alive ; often the evidence is indirect and depends on careful study of little bits of bone .
5 We need not decide today whether , in consequence of the 1987 statement , prisoners have a legitimate expectation that he will do so , or whether that expectation can be dispelled for the future .
6 His deficit arises in a subsequent stage of attending to these figures , at which he neglects the left of figures wherever they appear , and thus can not judge explicitly whether they are symmetrical about the vertical .
7 ‘ We do n't know yet whether the young players of today will have the same problems , ’ adds Sortland , who , despite the results , will not be advising children against taking up football .
8 ‘ She has been taking medication but we do n't know yet whether that had anything to do with it .
9 But Royle refused to concede that the move was dead , saying : ‘ I do n't know yet whether it would be possible to arrange a loan . ’
10 The Wall Street Journal figures current management is n't strong enough to meet the mounting crisis but does n't know yet whether Akers is loosing the support of his board .
11 oh the timetable which I as well will , will erm , would be about two months , the first step has to be taken by the defendant because we do n't know yet whether they are prepared to oppose the structure , and if so , what sort of structure they would be prepared to oppose , erm , if and when , er a formal offer of structure came through , I would have little doubt that we could instruct accountants and get a response within a matter of weeks , sometimes one has to if they 're doing an commercial structure within a week or so because the offer is only open for ten days
12 Well I do n't know yet whether were going to be able to afford it or not do we ?
13 Well , I do n't know really whether they are or not , I mean he must earn damn good money , erm not so much off his that
14 You do n't want a bit of sedimentation and then a gap when nothing was being laid down and then a bit more being sedimented , because , you know , you do n't know then whether the jumps you see in the record are simply there because there was a gap in deposition , or whether they really reflect the sudden change in the population .
15 Everyone says that to me , Ruth thought ; everyone wants me to bring them Undry … and I 've promised it to Fand , but I do n't know now whether she 's alive or dead .
16 You can use it for a lot of things , but when you get down to analyse it , I think it may be the law of the jungle where the strongest survive ; and I do n't know necessarily whether that 's a bad thing .
17 Then she said , ‘ Eduardo , ’ because it did n't matter much whether he knew or not .
18 I ca n't remember now whether in fact we were allowed any at all while we were in the Waaf , but I know that for the few years after I became a civilian again and clothes rationing still went on , the ration allocation was so small that the prospect of buying , for instance , a new winter coat was exceedingly small for most women , especially those with children , whose needs had to come first .
19 Professor Brighouse wo n't say definitely whether he 's taking legal action against Mr Patten .
20 I could remember it but I just could n't say now whether the police were stopped in their tracks .
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