Example sentences of "[not/n't] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is a pity and I 'm afraid it 's a case of your researchers not seeing much beyond the end of their dicks .
2 Well you probably lose a bit , it 's not sticking properly to the wall .
3 What the Leeds manager appeared to be saying was that , while it was a matter of opinion whether Mr Midgley used his discretion correctly , he was glad to see a referee not sticking rigidly to the letter of the law .
4 ‘ I want to see my team play good football and I 'm not stepping aside from that .
5 differentiate its broad product range in some way so that it is not competing directly with lower-cost products , or
6 London is therefore not competing directly with US exchanges .
7 ‘ There are still occasional reports of green recycling bags going for disposal with the rest of the office refuse , and we are certainly not catching anywhere near all the potentially recyclable paper that is being thrown out , ’ commented environmental engineer Andrew Ollevant , ‘ but there have n't been any serious hiccups in getting the scheme established . ’
8 But it 's awful , sir , not eating much for three days .
9 But things started to change when a friend mentioned that since I had lost a little weight whilst being away on a beach holiday with my boyfriend ( not deliberately , just through not eating much in the heat of Spain ) several people had said how I looked better .
10 While the home market may be happy with this it does mean more potential confusion , since a weapon could be an antique or not depending purely on the country in which it finds itself !
11 Peter Ward agrees : ‘ People are not walking away from the car .
12 He was booed and jeered by 16,000 spectators for not walking promptly after giving a desperately hard-to-judge return catch .
13 The fact that Europe was split into ten zones reflects the politics of the global system rather than its technology , and suggests that ‘ the world is not shrinking everywhere like a deflated balloon , but very irregularly , more like a dried apple , furrowed and distorted ’ ( Cherry , 1978 , p.135 ) .
14 And he denied Mr Major would lose all credibility by not pressing ahead with the treaty .
15 When you fit the collar , you must make sure that it is not pressing tightly on the neck , as this will be uncomfortable for the dog .
16 Already since the Second World War critics have arisen to castigate Montgomery for not pressing home with sufficient zeal the pursuit of the defeated Afrika Corps after Alamein .
17 In 1003 Swegen appears in England again , not returning home until 1005 .
18 If you are keeping strictly to 1,000 calories a day and not shedding surplus fat … then the chances are you are NOT keeping strictly to 1,000 calories a day .
19 Within my college work , I had already taken the decision to devote more time and concentration to HNC/Ds ; just because they work smoothly and efficiently and have a good reputation is no excuse for not keeping actively in touch with this area .
20 ‘ I hope that what is happening here is not happening all over the country .
21 ‘ We 're not living apart at the moment , ’ he reminded her .
22 In other words , they as pupils are not living fully in accordance with the official school rhetoric .
23 I feel sorry only for Eugenie and Beatrice because they will suffer a great deal seeing their mother and father not living together under the same roof . ’
24 The action project began on 1 April 1984 and any people aged 65 or over who were referred to the hospital psychogeriatric service during the 12 months to the end of March 1985 and who were diagnosed as suffering from dementia , became members of the action sample if they lived in the action area , and of the control sample if their home was in the control area ( so long as they were not living permanently in an institution at the time of referral and they or their carers gave consent for their inclusion ) .
25 Not swimming hard into the wind .
26 Radulfus maintained his judicial calm , and the earl 's broad brow was suave and benign , though there was no guessing what went on in the highly intelligent mind behind it ; but Prior Robert and Sub-Prior Herluin sat very erect , stiff in the spine and with long , refined faces sharpened into steel , studiously not looking straight at each other , but maintaining each a bright gaze on distance , and the appearance of considering with magisterial detachment the situation that confronted them .
27 Hornby on the occasion rebuked Brixton for not looking properly at the CNAA 's regulations — and the College was subsequently to have its proposals approved .
28 I was not looking forward to the packing .
29 She , Clarissa , was not looking forward to telephoning Lady Southdown , as she was bound to do , to thank her for a lovely evening .
30 Quite the reverse ; he was not looking forward to going back .
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