Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While it is not right that either partner should always have to give way to the other , each may have to concede at times , for both their sakes and for the well-being of their marriage .
2 Not so that unique me-ness that makes James Bishop James Bishop .
3 When Norwich and Arsenal appeared at Lancaster Gate the FA was concerned not only that neither club had condemned the incident immediately but that Norwich had not given any indication that they were going to punish some of their players , apart from fining them for making comments to newspapers .
4 Perhaps it will come as no surprise to my readers to hear not only that all knowledge of selling me a coffin was denied but even that they were now , or ever had been , coffin-manufacturers .
5 On the other hand , those who abandoned the hierarchical position and held , not only that all men were equal but that all people were so , lost interest in sex differences for the opposite reason .
6 The quotation on page 53 from the Bhagavad Gita appears to support the idea not only that many gods exist but that many gods can be followed and worshipped .
7 Why do so many thousands of other commuters go through such daily torture without concluding , not only that another bridge is not the answer , but that it would increase traffic flows into Edinburgh ?
8 The way in which temporary working overlaps with each of the other forms of " non-standard " working identifiable through the LFS — namely self-employment and part-time working — is shown in Diagram I. As can be seen , it is not only that some temporary workers are self-employed and some are part-timers ; a sizeable minority are both .
9 Hence , the methodology employed in CA requires evidence not only that some aspect of conversation can be viewed in the way suggested , but that it actually is so conceived by the participants producing it .
10 Lillee , Hall , Lindwall , Miller and Allen are greater names for the past ) ; and not only that this is the longest sentence I 've ever put together .
11 There was confirmation from Cathery , not only that this was true , but that , in the absence of Wilson in America , everything possible had been done to meet the complaints of the Southampton Branch .
12 It seems to me , not only that this does not appear , but that the contrary appears ; for the plaintiff before the letter had already bound himself to marry , by placing himself not only under a moral , but under a legal , obligation to marry , and the testator knew it .
13 In this book I will argue not only that these are indeed constraints on the form of knowledge but also that they are constraints on all knowledge which should be seen as ideological in the sense in which Marx uses it .
14 The reason for this is not only that these organisations are inherently unlikely to broadcast such material , but also that they are subject to different controls as to the content of what they broadcast .
15 A theorem which is very important for us and which proves not only that any two integers a , b ( not both zero ) do have a gcd , but much more besides is Theorem 1.4.4 Any two integers a , b ( not both zero ) have a unique positive gcd .
16 Not least , the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 which require not only that any organisation employing more than four people must record the results of a health and safety risk assessment and for all employers to implement measures needed to minimise or eliminate hazards identified in their own assessments , but that ( other than sole traders and partnerships ) a ‘ competent person ’ — defined as someone with ‘ sufficient training and experience and knowledge or other qualities ’ — is appointed to help implement compliance with all H&S legislation .
17 It is not only that those extreme means of attempting to extort confessions , for example the rack and thumbscrew , which have sometimes disfigured the system of criminal justice in this country , are abhorrent to any civilised society , but that they and other less awful , though not necessarily less potent , means of applying pressure to an accused person to speak do not necessarily produce speech or the truth .
18 This means not only that those procedures are seen and felt to be fair .
19 It was not merely that many people were dismayed by Labour 's tax plans : they also felt a wider and deeper sense of mistrust , that Labour 's numbers on revenue and spending simply did not add up .
20 The ‘ social divisions ’ theme has been taken up in another way by some recent feminist writers who have been concerned to show not merely that many welfare provisions discriminate against women , but also that female services within the family and neighbourhood form crucial separate welfare systems , enhanced in importance when other systems fail or are withdrawn .
21 The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights takes it for granted not merely that all individual men are members of a single animal species , Homo sapiens , but that this biological fact carries with it moral implications .
22 If she should by chance ever read these words , I think she would confirm not merely that this was how he spoke but that I have not misrepresented her reactions .
23 It is not just that many of the old structures of central planning have been demolished , or that much of the government is now in the hands of people who still refer to themselves quite unselfconsciously as ‘ the opposition ’ .
24 The lack of young women committed to a consistently woman-centred psychology , for instance , indicates not just that this psychology needs to spread its feminine community wider , but that it is a historically-specific product of late 1970s debates within western feminism , and that it , like other branches of psychology , is a profession in which experience counts .
25 The argument postulated above is , however , dependent upon showing not just that this may happen , but that it must happen .
26 There 's not normally that many people there are there ?
27 And we , we normally have members go , we 've had as many as five one year , or was it six , erm , not always that many I think , was it three of you went last year , I think it was three was n't it ?
28 Not really that many there were maybe the the holiday trip to Kirkwall maybe just for the day into Kirkwall .
29 Mrs Thatcher was concerned not simply that fewer than half the electorate bothered to participate in the choosing of their local council , but that many eligible electors were not themselves local taxpayers .
30 It is not simply that these areas suffer from deprivation and poverty , but there is a danger of many outer estates , in particular , becoming areas which have a quite different social and economic system , operating almost at subsistence level , depending entirely on the public sector , where the opportunities for improvement either through self-help or through outside intervention are minimal .
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