Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] because [det] " in BNC.

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1 But that 's not all because all the books we offer will be cheaper than the publishers ' prices — with savings of up to 40% off the books we offer you .
2 Rolt warns that this is not so because that spirit can only express itself in creative activities in which work and leisure are facets of one whole .
3 The reason why the doing what a man is already bound to do is no consideration , is not only because such a consideration is in judgment of law of no value , but because a man can hardly be allowed to say that the prior legal obligation was not his determining motive .
4 It must , however , still bulk large in any examination of English urban life , not only because many of its characteristics were common to it and other towns , but also because they can be most fully studied there .
5 Not only because both are unbiblical but because both misunderstand the way language is used when we grope to make sense of experiencing God .
6 The peace movement can not ignore international law , not merely because many existing provisions tend to provide legal support for the claim that the use of nuclear weapons would be illegal , but also because , in theory at least , it provides the means by which states can bind themselves to restrict the manufacture , storage and use of such weapons ( non-proliferation treaties and regional nuclear-free zones are examples of this ) .
7 The point is , only one of the two can come out of his little door at any one time , not just because that would make impossible weather , but because the two little men are joined together by a metal bar : one has to stay in if the other one is out .
8 We must be prepared to make value judgements — allow Milton to be better than Michael Jackson in absolute terms , not just because that one 's your cup of tea and that one 's mine .
9 It 's not just because this illness is self- , it 's self-inflicted er , cause , er , you 've obviously picked this up from a variety of other er , I 'd say , sources , but you also pick it up in you know , blood transfusions situation .
10 Their method has been designed for recovering a GEM from water — not easy because any bacteria in it are much less abundant than , say in soil .
11 Additionally they need individually different attention , not simply because each child is unique but because the different stages require different interpretations .
12 The moral authority of law gets a foothold in the idea that it is rational to give special consideration to views which result from a process of impartial , informed and capable reflection , and this not simply because this process helps us to know more precisely what will promote independently ascertained moral goals but also because it is liable to result in superior judgements about what goals we ought to pursue ( Campbell , 1971 ) .
13 The danger of over-embalming is not there because these fluids are designed to be mixed , not like old fashioned fluids with which nothing could be mixed except some Fairy Liquid for lanolin content .
14 Such a theory is , according to Ives ( 1987 ) , too simplistic not least because much of the data on deforestation and fuelwood consumption on which it is based are unsound .
15 We repeat that it is not the intention to advocate a standard curriculum for all secondary schools to the age of 16 , not least because that would be educationally naive .
16 Nonetheless , it would be misleading to conclude from the relative momentum of change in the three companies that RX alone represents success , not least because all three did achieve significant business turnaround as a result of organizational realignment .
17 Wood shortages for both uses are now widespread , not least because many rainforest areas outside the reserves , which in the pre-1960 period supplied about 50 per cent of the country 's timber output , are now exhausted .
18 Producing a reasonably accurate estimate of the overall number ( prevalence ) of illicit drug users in a community is a difficult task , not least because many people will not admit to illegal activities for fear of prosecution .
19 Community mental health care does imply the closure of the large , asylum style psychiatric hospitals , not least because many of the resources for new services are tied up in the old institutions .
20 Politics aside , the Vietnam industry is a profitable one , not least because many of the correspondents who covered the war — and there were literally thousands over the ten-year period — have remained obsessed with it .
21 As a matter of good practice , not least because such matters will often touch on the ability of a partner to devote his full time and attention to the firm , full disclosure should always be made of such privately remunerated activities , whether or not the profits therefrom are strictly due to be brought into account .
22 In Australia ‘ recruitment is at a very low ebb ’ , not least because few parishes actively encourage the training of organists .
23 In desperate need of love vibes , the audience descended like a pack of ravenous wolves on St Etienne , not least because this duo of Thunderbird puppets in polo necks are now fronted solely by Stephanie , a dead ringer for the teenage Bardot who gambols about the stage in such a display of unrestrained delight , that you think ‘ this is the real thing ’ .
24 This proved a great success , not least because this was the first time that paintings by Jackson Pollock had been exhibited in Europe .
25 As already noted , this was not always a smooth process , not least because this newcomer challenged the rather modest conception which the existing committee had already established .
26 They reject the reduction of the diversity of black histories , experiences and cultures to a response to racism , not least because this inhibits the productive exploration of the economic , cultural and sexual differentiations within black communities — for example , ‘ positive images ’ tend to privilege middle-class , heterosexual , familial respectability .
27 Royal Society 's study group report on risk assessment is a tough read ; For example , ‘ At the administrative level , there is a need to acknowledge the validity of public perceptions , while at the same time purveying the fullest information on objective risk estimates , not least because these data form a major component of the public 's perceptions , ’ But it concentrates the mind and , of course , it deals with every activity of man .
28 So , I phoned up Joe , and Joe says all the results were n't in because that 's the kind of ordeal next week er er next Friday , tomorrow .
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