Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] need [art] " in BNC.

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1 The old need help but they do not necessarily need a massive range of old people 's services .
2 One does not necessarily need an outline or a full planning application in order to do so .
3 She said , ‘ Sweetie , do n't forget I not only need the right man for me , but the right stepfather for Dickie .
4 Additionally , once a person is appointed , not only need the minister never account for the choice , but the likelihood is that he or she will never have to justify it on performance grounds .
5 ‘ The man did not desperately need the money .
6 Such harassment did not always need a fighting patrol 's strength : Lieutenant J.A .
7 So obvious is this problem that it did not really need a questionnaire to highlight it .
8 The idea of Kevin 's rewarding him for his prowess with a real lunch somewhere acted as a spur to Jasper , but he did not really need a spur .
9 No hostage was released , the excuse given by Ghorbanifar being that Iran did not really need the TOW missiles so they were not counted in the exchange deal .
10 In the next example the boys , with the pedal car , had already made their decision on size and did not really need the teacher to question them about it , but they were obviously quite used to talking with her .
11 They do not even need a basic social work qualification .
12 How does any society protect itself against this kind of comprehensive assault , which does not even need the charcoal , sulphur and saltpetre to make the gunpowder but can find the materials for the application of its marvellous discovery anywhere in the world and in any circumstances ?
13 That system did not even need the Roman aqueduct ; it managed the flow of water on Archimedean principles , which was even more remarkable .
14 ‘ I do not actually need the evidence of two people in one bedroom and the sight of crumpled covers to point me in the right direction .
15 Glenn says that you do n't necessarily need a frequent wash shampoo .
16 You wo n't necessarily need a sophisticated carrying system with full hip belt , but you 'll have to be careful to limit your load to avoid crippled neck and shoulders !
17 You do n't always need every ‘ he said ’ and ‘ said she ’ .
18 We did n't really need a Christmas present after that but the encore , the intermezzo from Delius 's Fennimore and Gerda , was very welcome all the same .
19 This cake is so moist that you do n't really need a frosting , but it can only enhanced with cream cheese frosting ( see below ) .
20 This latter point is a very important one since , until you have learned to fly , you do n't really need a helicopter radio .
21 It was merely that she had learned from her life with him that , like many married women , she did n't really need a husband .
22 After the dignification of the white coat this domestic chore was something of a let-down , and she did n't really need a drink so soon after breakfast .
23 At this moment she did n't really need a neighbour , not even a good one .
24 Well it does n't really need a title , it 's a er it could be anywhere it 's , it , it , sort of got that hint of west country , but it does n't really matter it 's , we 're not interested in where it is , we 're interested in the the final image .
25 The si it 's all round the sides you do n't really need a top on a tank , it 's just the sides you want .
26 But you see we do n't really need a chainsaw do we ?
27 You do n't really need a big bathroom do you ?
28 This menu-driven utility is dead easy to use ( you do n't really need the manual ) and it helpfully performs some basic diagnostic tests as well .
29 And they knew full well that they did n't really need the three thousand apprentices but those large firms trained no no note my word , for the country 's needs , not the company 's needs !
30 I did n't really need the money but I tried to hold her up .
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