Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [prep] its " in BNC.

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1 The attractions of Ullapool are not altogether in its intrinsic interests .
2 It almost goes without saying that in contemporary society a certain amount of money is an important human requirement , not necessarily for its own sake ( though that may also be the case ) , but because it is the wherewithal for other requirements .
3 CAM developments therefore give greater credence to the ideas behind activity-based costing , though not necessarily to its application in complex routine costing systems providing regular monthly reports on an activity basis .
4 Since pollution is noticeable to others , and not necessarily at its source , it is suited to reactive methods of enforcement and field staff are accordingly sensitive to the need to respond to complaints .
5 State officials are dependent upon capitalist economic development and growth if they are going to be able to pursue their interests and sustain themselves in office , so they are constrained to act in the interests of capital , although not necessarily in its optimal interests ( Offe , 1984 ) .
6 In aggregate , substantial gross flows occurred between all zones , although an inflow to an individual ring was not necessarily from its own core or outer ring .
7 If we conduct an interventive experiment , and inject a drug which results in an animal not performing some task on which it has been trained ‘ correctly ’ ( I wo n't bother putting that word into inverted commas henceforward ; I have already spelled out that what we read as correct in an animal 's behaviour is interpreted by our criteria , not necessarily by its own ) , how can we be sure that what has been blocked or disturbed is the memory rather than the motor or sensory activity on which its expression depends ?
8 Consequently there has been a marked fall in recruitment since 1964 — although it is still not enough on its own to create a shortage of labour — and this is contributing to the ageing labour force .
9 Government money , channelled via local government and the NHS , or through income support benefits into the pockets of sufferers and their families , is essential for effective community care services , but it is not enough on its own .
10 Right , and this is this little bit of it , now , made them come back to us and say , well but yes , that 's not enough on its own , or that 's too much on its own , or whatever , or there is no hope , you may as well forget about this because we 've already done the study , or somebody in Japan 's already written off , whatever , but from this point in time , let us , as the sales company , get the information together as it relates to .
11 But one of his ex-offenders says the system is not enough on its own .
12 The new Air Quality Management Plan is the most comprehensive of its kind : not perhaps in its approach to tree conservation — the paper it is written on stacks three feet high — but in its determination to force producers and consumers to stop passing on their muck by law .
13 ‘ The Hollow Men ’ is a hidden presence in Ash-Wednesday , not only with its desert landscape , but also with its ‘ twilight kingdom ’ and
14 Finally , the DUC was later to share its experience of campaigning tactics with other community groups , such as those opposing lignite mining near Lough Neagh and those opposing gold mining in– the west , and to provide these groups not only with its campaigning expertise but also with a shining example of how a community could defeat outside interests by grassroots organization .
15 The answer is that associative aspects of learning enable the individual to cope not only with its physical environment but also with its social environment .
16 With good feedback so far , such programmes appear to be the way forward for a company concerned not only with its staff but also with its customers .
17 Amal acted not only on its own behalf , but for its patron , Syria , which also wished to remove the PLO from Beirut .
18 The machining capacity at Wolverton was heavily engaged in the early days of production , not only on its own work , but in assisting to relieve bottle neck in other firms ' production and much light and heavy machining was undertaken , as was Iron and Brass founding and forging of gun parts for ordnance factories .
19 It has the added advantage that it accentuates the role of the cycle as a benign form of transport , one which can bestow peace and tranquillity not only on its user but also on the general urban scene .
20 It is clearly essential to ensure that property is properly valued , not only on its existing use value for bus operations , but on other bases such as its full development value .
21 The problem from the tenant 's point of view is that a termination under 5.2.1 will not ( at least in a normal market ) result in the ( landlord 's ) works being wasted , whereas the tenant may have expended a considerable sum of money not only on its works but also in preliminary arrangements .
22 To explain the observed non-proportionality of cross-section data , such as that in Table 2 , Duesenberry argues that a household 's consumption spending depends not only on its own income , but also on the incomes earned by neighbouring households .
23 ‘ The party must fight for its new image , not only for its own members , but also in front of the whole nation . ’
24 A child in a Hindu family is generally an object of love and joy not only for its parents but for every member of the family .
25 Has a lot more sparkle than the Escort replacement , thanks to the new 16-valve ‘ Zeta ’ engine , notable not only for its sheer performance but for smoothness and flexibility .
26 Tenerife , the largest of the exotic , duty-free Canary Islands , is renowned not only for its excellent climate but also for its amazing variation of scenery .
27 His Court had been notorious not only for its exclusivity and lack of responsiveness to the public at large but also , as experienced by those who frequented it , for its tedium .
28 The blast that struck St Pierre was remarkable not only for its searing heat but also for its sheer force — masonry walls one metre thick were blown down , heavy cannon torn from their mounts , and a three-ton statue carried sixteen metres .
29 The growth of out-of-town retailing has been a particularly contentious issue in the past ten years , not only for its potentially adverse effects on urban shopping centres but also because of the resulting development pressures on fringe and green field sites .
30 The Castle is renowned not only for its service and hospitality but also for the excellent of its cuisine .
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