Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 The experience of unemployment has not been exclusive to people who left school under a Conservative Government .
2 As we have seen , repeal feminists had not been opposed to moral disciplining but they had promoted it through the more ‘ feminine ’ domain of voluntary agencies , attacking the statist solutions of male professionals .
3 While awaiting the views of the European Court , will my right hon. Friend bear in mind the fact that Presbyterians in Scotland enjoy shopping on Sundays and that has not been detrimental to those who wish to attend church ?
4 Mr Dewar called for the setting up of a Select Committee on Scottish Affairs — it was , he said ‘ a disgrace that the Scottish Office uniquely has not been subject to proper Parliamentary scrutiny ’ .
5 These three fungicides are already on a UK Ministry of Agriculture ( MAFF ) list of 100 pesticides up for review , that have not been subject to modern tests .
6 The market for top quality works by Matisse has not been subject to speculative buying , according to David Nash , head of Sotheby 's New York Impressionist Department .
7 The carpet has not been subject to spillages , animals , etc .
8 Thus we can normally expect a mature mind in a person at work and although developmental processes of growth and senescence are of some interest , studies of the person working usually assume that we are dealing with a mind which is equipped with the basic skills derived from play and education but one which has not been subject to any serious diminution of capacity .
9 None the less , this was a significant change from the days of the old CEB , which ( though hedged about by precise legal requirements on matters such as pricing ) had not been subject to government limits on finance ( choosing to raise its fixed-interest capital without government guarantee ) and had ignored ministerial requests when it felt they were unjustified ( being protected against the sanction acquired by the Minister in 1947 : the power of dismissal ) .
10 These were leaders who had not been subject to party screening or peer review and had succeeded almost exclusively on the strength of their appeal to mass electorates .
11 The regulations have not been subject to a report by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments , but we have printed a memorandum about the statutory instrument that we received from the Department , and made copies of it available .
12 He described it as " regrettable " that positions taken in the UN Security Council by the EC 's two permanent Security Council members — the UK and France — had not been subject to prior agreement among the 12 EC members .
13 The army action was severely criticized by Joseph Kokou Koffigoh , the transitional Prime Minister , who declared that Kpodzro 's decision was invalid since it had been made under duress and had not been subject to a regular vote in the HCR .
14 The domestic banking system has ( since the early 1980s ) been completely free of formal restrictions on the supply of credit and has not been subject to reserve requirements .
15 In general , investors have not been subject to particularly extensive instances where malpractice has damaged the value of their investments .
16 The contract included limits for external financing which had not been subject to overall control previously , and set RENFE a variety of financial objectives including a reduction in its call on state funds .
17 So far , the bridging fund has not been applicable to many of the circumstances farmers have been needing to apply for . ’
18 As your co-trustee I have not been inattentive to my duty … and I in no shape deserve to be the object of the prosecution of my co-trustees .
19 The removal of persistent residues that give rise to foaming or smells could be an expensive process because they may be from materials that have not been amenable to treatment .
20 A major obstacle to the earlier realisation of Ludwig 's project was that the Soviets had not been used to calling galleries after private citizens , as in the West .
21 A good round followed by a poor one often means a missed cut , and it is very difficult to put two rounds together on consecutive days if you have not been used to doing so .
22 Latvia , in common with other former republics of the now defunct Soviet Union , is looking to the West not only for help but ideas as it tries to rebuild its shattered economy and create a better way of life in a society which has not been used to making decisions for itself .
23 She had lost her fear long ago but she had not been close to a man like this for over two years .
24 The obvious highlight was Couples 's first major victory in the U.S Masters and the 33-year-old conceded : ‘ I 've not been close to that form since . ’
25 Because the Left has not been sensitive to the established debates on the British constitution it has not been attentive to the potentialities for change which have flowed from the absence of legal and constitutional limits on Parliament .
26 Additionally the political atmosphere has not been conducive to encouraging oil companies to engage in active exploration and development though this still continues despite the pull-out of Exxon and Mobil .
27 And really , he said , the Iran and contra operations had not been central to his life .
28 Furthermore , there would be no question of the judge , before giving his advice , seeing documents which have not been available to the prisoner .
29 For some years housing benefit has not been available to students in halls of residence or similar accommodation .
30 So there is a shortage of hard information in some areas , er , it is a changing situation , and it is one where the Committee is under very clear instruction to extend the alternative care options that it gives to clients , and therefore that again is a complexity in terms of your ability to ensure you 've got adequate funding and are directing it in the right areas in , in order to meet , not only the needs of people out there , but the changing needs and what is , Mike has already referred to as being the preferred solutions erm , many of which have not been available to people in the past .
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