Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adj] because it " in BNC.

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1 But this is not possible because it is necessary to approach each of these aspects differently to get the required results .
2 The atoms are all ‘ frozen ’ into the random positions they occupied in the liquid , producing a material which is neither crystal nor liquid : not crystal because it does n't have an ordered structure , not liquid because it does n't flow .
3 How much this would increase the size of the tree structure and the speed of look-up , is not clear because it depends upon the number of words stored .
4 Thus an inductivist rationalist might rule that astrology is not a science because it is not inductively derivable from the facts of observation , whilst a falsificationist might rule that Marxism is not scientific because it is not falsifiable .
5 [ History ] is not rigorous because it always proceeds by faults and corrections , because it is not in any way a universal schema but a unique adventure that unfolds on the basis of prehistoric circumstances which constitute in themselves , and in relation to all the objectives and all the practices , a heavy and badly understood legacy of fundamental deviations .
6 I 'm not interested because it does n't fit does n't cover the type of collecting I do .
7 Movement to Italy of all Germans is not acceptable because it would cause serious blockage of our L of C … we are approaching 12 Army Gp immediately with request that they accept concentration … 3 .
8 Robertson confirmed in the second paragraph of his signal that " movement to Italy of all Germans is not acceptable because it would cause serious blockage on our L of C. He therefore informed McCreery that AFHQ would be " approaching 12th Army Group immediately " to ask them to accept all German surrendered personnel from 5 Corps , with the exception of " arrestable categories " , such as SS .
9 A recent example is Smith ( 1989 ) , who thinks that Labov 's work is not theoretical because it does not address ‘ any linguistic issue ’ .
10 The concept of ‘ demand ’ is often not appropriate because it implies confrontation , the process is more aptly considered as one of cooperation and persuasion .
11 Held that it was not taxable because it was not paid under an enforceable contract .
12 A third and more serious problem with ( 6.9 ) is that it is not operational because it involves expectations of dividend payments into the infinite future .
13 It is not helpful because it restricts ability to play with the full face of the bat .
14 Such racing is not good because it introduces an unpredictable element and is avoided in real system .
15 Although the document creates a settlement ( see p99 ) Certificate L is not applicable because it is not a voluntary disposition .
16 A datum is not primary because it is incomprehensible : this characteristic indicates solely that an explanation , if it exists , must be sought on another level … .
17 Compiling a book about Motor Racing records is not difficult because it is a sport that has been well documented , statistically , over the years .
18 Or you might plead that it was not slanderous because it was true .
19 That is not surprising because it is difficult to protect the Secretary of State from his own inadequacies .
20 Depreciation is not relevant because it relates to a non-monetary asset outside the flow of financial resources measurement focus .
21 Christianity is not true because it works .
22 Christianity is not true because it makes its claims more boldly or more loudly than anything else ( or belief would be taken over by bravado ) .
23 For Athenian authorities , sharing of power and admission of non-state interests is not sufficient because it allows influence only to the articulate and to civic agitators — the minority who can turn municipal decision-making to their own advantage .
24 Many distributions show a peak in a particular age group mainly associated with taking on a large number of young people when the organisation was started or reorganised , this is not desirable because it leads to excessive competition for promotion at particular stages .
25 ‘ The study was not significant because it documented something previously unknown , but because it documented overwhelmingly something already known . ’
26 The basic idea of evolution was not unknown because it had been actively supported by some radicals during the 1830s and 1840s .
27 It was big but it was n't tall because it walked on four feet .
28 This split is n't perfect because it is possible for some complex types of software error to produce what looks like random failure because a particular set of rare events have to occur .
29 But they they , that was n't accurate because it has to go up , to have fifteen kilometres a second .
30 Have got today ( Monday 17th ) off ( yippee ! ) but have n't done much — slightly hungover from last night , I went to see Tex Mex with Ruth & Euan & some of their friends , the food was great , & so today had a long lie in then went to a few shops … which were n't open because it 's an Edinburgh holiday …
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