Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [noun pl] with " in BNC.

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1 Li Peng told Anan that the progress in China 's relations with Vietnam would not affect relations with Thailand or other South-East Asian nations .
2 Unless sites are discovered by accident ( when a new road cuts through a prehistoric cemetery , for example ) most methods of discovery do not locate sites with sufficient accuracy for excavation to take place with confidence .
3 In the I970s the fuel boards were pressured by the Labour government not to disconnect households with children providing they would cooperate in paying off their arrears .
4 The management usually have a ruling that receptionists do not socialise with the guests on a personal basis ; therefore staff should not make dates with guests or visit their rooms even if invited to do so .
5 Men , of course , would not make friends with a single mother for the reason that men do not make friends .
6 ‘ You should not make friends with an elephant keeper , ’ he had said , ‘ unless you first have room to entertain an elephant . ’
7 Any female who did not prefer males with the deleteriously exaggerated trait would indeed produce fitter sons than other females ; however , no one would mate with them .
8 That we do not treat animals with at least the same respect that we treat such unfortunate human creatures is seen by the liberationists as ‘ speciesism ’ in its purest form based as it is only upon the anatomical difference .
9 Children were constrained in the kinds of response possible and so appeared to treat less as more ; the younger children probably relied on a non-linguistic strategy of choosing the greater of two amounts , and this would account for responses to both more ( apparently correct ) and less ( apparently wrong ) when combined with partial or even no lexical knowledge ; and lastly , children were not given instructions with both more and less on the same occasion .
10 TEACHERS were urged by John MacGregor , the Secretary of State for Education , yesterday not to disrupt classes with strikes next year in their pay campaign .
11 We will not consider words with stems of more than two syllables .
12 we can not predict outcomes with absolute certainty since individuals can take remedial action in the light of our forecasts .
13 Even the rules of social politeness , which suggest that we should not burden others with our problems , will lead us all to respond to enquiries after our health with an automatic ‘ Very well , thank you ’ when often we may be feeling poorly or even downright miserable .
14 This is an important change and I am glad that we have got away from the odious and patronising attitude of so many local education authorities — particularly Labour local education authorities — that say that one can not trust parents with objective information about how their children 's schools are doing .
15 ‘ Such a strange-looking man , I 've always thought … khikhikhi … my father always told me not to trust men with beards .
16 Her father had a chronic heart condition as a result of which Pamela had come to feel that she could not discuss problems with him .
17 Punchy thermals which delight the wings of gliders and do not trouble planes with a bit of weighty metal behind them are no longer conjured up by the morning sun to drive trepid microlight flyers back to earth .
18 Academics have no excuse not to provide students with the academic freedoms outlined earlier .
19 When God in his wisdom chose not to bless women with the same convenient appendage through which men pass water , he left them with little choice but to strip off and squat .
20 She urged nurses to question authors of all material on child protection that did not include children with disabilities .
21 In practice , the Director of Public Prosecutions does not prosecute films with BBFC certificates for cinema showing , so distributors prepared to pay the certification fee and to carry out the " cuts " insisted upon by the Board are in effect guaranteed freedom from police harassment .
22 While it is not possible to be completely up to date , the user should not buy models with in-built obsolescence .
23 To preserve the image and integrity of the profession and to build bridges between the existing gaps in our service it is necessary to unite and not to create divisions with personal prejudices .
24 The duty not to discriminate rests with the ‘ responsible body ’ — the governors or LEA or proprietor of an independent school .
25 They have not sought compromises with the unions over incomes policy or industrial relations ; the unions are no longer an ‘ estate of the realm ’ .
26 Also the specificity of our results needs to be verified as we did not study patients with other inflammatory bowel diseases .
27 Some of those universities who do demand a dissertation may not deposit copies with the British Library , and may not even have a copy available for inter-library loan .
28 Similarly contracting-out may not provide authorities with greater flexibility if they are tied to long-term arrangements which are difficult to renegotiate .
29 Attractive as this option may seem , protective authorisation does not provide firms with exemption from the regulations .
30 Levitt concludes that the Italian 's success demonstrates his belief that you should not provide consumers with what they say they want , because their behaviour demonstrates that they will take other features if the product is priced and promoted correctly .
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