Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [pron] [that] " in BNC.

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1 And since , above all , in my view , Rococo has all the characteristics of a fashion , it is evident that this bias did not affect everything that was produced at this period .
2 It costs £100000 a minute to produce top quality graphics , on a computer system costing £10 million , so the people paying do not want something that looks as if it was shot with a camera for a few thousand pounds .
3 He did not flatter himself that he might have had that effect on her , but he did wonder what course their liaison would take .
4 The girl had lifted her head and turned her face towards him , though he could not flatter himself that she was looking at him ; rather at the image he drew before her , that spare portrait of the departed visitant , sketched in so few lines on the firelit air .
5 ‘ But I do not flatter myself that I can do anything about them .
6 The economics of the base could not explain everything that existed or occurred in the superstructure ; as Marx 's collaborator Engels had suggested , the economy was only the mainspring of history ‘ in the last analysis ’ ( Gramsci , 1971 : 162 ) .
7 The official report of his death does not explain everything that happened .
8 Beth did not fool herself that it would be an easy thing to talk about what she had kept hidden all these years , but somehow she felt it would be a natural thing for her to confide in Cissie .
9 Particularly I think to the , to , to , not to provide something that they encounter elsewhere , the hoops they have to go through in order to get benefit , the restart programme , we 're not interested in that we 're interested in solidarity support , rebuilding confidence , keep keeping unemployed people in contract with the local trade union movement , and that that 's something that I personally regard as extremely important and something that , that erm with this partnership of the Labour Party , the Labour Group and the Trades Council and the trade unions in the area , I think we do very effectively .
10 As supply was limited , and controlled by censorship , reading was conventional , but one soon discovered that it would be possible to spend a life-time reading books which were not obscure and still not exhaust everything that was worthwhile .
11 Which was good , because she needed the lavatory , and did not know him that well yet .
12 She sounded perversely proud of her increased value , and again I thought it best not to inform her that a bubblehead like Donna could earn twice that fee in a single night .
13 The satyāgrahi must not desire anything that is beyond the reach of the most unfortunate of human beings .
14 The Minister made a half-hearted attempt to justify that claim , but he could not identify anything that he or the Government had positively done .
15 As he progressed through food reintroductions he did not identify anything that caused symptoms .
16 They do not do anything that they are not entitled to do , and they usually do it reasonably conscientiously .
17 The cage is made of wire mesh with a sloping floor , and the hens can not do anything that comes naturally to them , such as stretch their wings , scratch around , dustbathe or perch .
18 Editor , — Allyson M Pollock and Azeem Majeed 's arguments in response to our editorial on consultant episodes could perhaps be summarised as ‘ the internal market is intrinsically flawed and we should not do anything that would delay its demise . ’
19 A true friend would not do anything that would enable the disease to continue but would instead take the difficult and risky path of totally confronting it , while still loving the sufferer , despite all the harshness that the disease will cause the sufferer to throw in return .
20 The only potential problem with friends being eager to let you pick bits and pieces from their gardens is that often they may not grow anything that is suitable for pressing .
21 ‘ You can not give him that , ’ Cleo said sharply .
22 The builders of these pianos may have seen the need for a check , but they did not provide one that would always prevent the hammer bouncing .
23 Harlequins ... 14 Swansea … .. 21 DO NOT believe everything that has been written about the parlous state of Anglo-Welsh matches now that the English clubs are diverted by the league .
24 to , to , I mean when I first had the er plaster off , which was for ten days it was , I could not believe it that these fingers were not going but I 'm told that that 's quite usual .
25 But the bishops would not apologise for nor retract the letter , and Mr Tembo could not convince them that the Congress Party had the right to pass death sentences upon them .
26 But these people 's delusions do not convince me that Satan is a fiction , and psychological arguments against him by psychiatrists have no philosophical bite that carries conviction .
27 She could not convince herself that Julia would ever be well again .
28 ‘ This world is a hard place , children , and we can not understand everything that God does .
29 I wondered why McIllvanney had not told me that Rickie and Robin-Anne Crowninshield were drug addicts , then I realised that McIllvanney would not have told me anything that might have risked my acceptance of the charter , but now that I had learned that the twins had such a severe drug problem I was even less keen to take on the job .
30 It is implicit from her statement that , according to her , Mr. Steed , too , had not told her that he had appointed her to be his attorney .
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