Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the strength of Rosemary 's convictions about not seeing Travis again , however , see him she did — never by prior arrangement , though , and never in her own flat .
2 ‘ I 'm not seeing Travis tonight , if that 's what you 're asking , ’ she told him coolly .
3 I did not think £9 too much for a fine steak , or £150 too much for the sort of weekend that would cost £200 in Edinburgh or London .
4 The ‘ bourgeois economist ’ would certainly claim that such an enterprise was not using resources efficiently to satisfy consumers ' wants and therefore would not merit investment funds and we have to ask whether he would be wrong .
5 We 're not using polystyrene anyway .
6 It follows that I am not using language properly if I say that you ought to do something , unless I hold by some universal principle from which this prescription follows and all other implications of which I would be prepared to endorse , most notably those which would prescribe under certain circumstances that I do something .
7 Also the room designs of pupils not using scissors generally had more unacceptable features .
8 And I bet you , if you look at how many of your accounts are not using carriage forward when they should you would be amazed .
9 ‘ I ca n't promise not to see Gary again . ’
10 Section 5(1) has been interpreted in the following ways : ( a ) It does not cover cases where under the civil law ownership of the goods has passed .
11 Frances Foote-Wood , Liberal Democrat northern regional organiser , said mail in Stockton had been sent to the wrong areas and in Bishop Auckland constituency some people still had not received leaflets yesterday .
12 For one thing , the reforms — which include cutting the PRT rate on existing fields from 75 to 50 per cent — will not affect companies evenly because of the complex way in which the tax is structured and applied .
13 Where the record companies may be right , however , is in arguing that ending the import ban might not affect prices much anyway .
14 Housing Ministry officials indicated that the announcement concerned land allocation and would not affect plots already purchased [ for July freeze on government settlement-building see pp. 39027-28 ] .
15 But gradually , as I noted in Chapter One , he came to think that one can not universalise judgements coherently , without this amounting to the development of a universal sympathy with the desires of all affected by one 's action .
16 Californian sunshine was not particularly kind to the English complexion , and circumstances had evidently not treated Laura well .
17 And because the bay is long and shallow , like a peapod , with an average depth of only 9 m , it can not absorb heat well .
18 I am not drawing comparisons here , I am just making the point that 500-plus were lost in the Battle of Britain and nearly 700 were lost at Nuremburg on one raid .
19 People do not make errors merely because they are careless or inattentive .
20 Honey had been the only sweetener ; sugar had been as expensive as cinnamon or cloves and it could be taxed as a luxury in the firm belief that this would not make life harder for the working classes who were not thought to be consumers of sugar , though this was clearly changing in the eighteenth century .
21 If we do not make provision now , the burden we will place on our children will be too great .
22 It ensures that different users can not make changes simultaneously to the same module .
23 Unbalanced for some , but those who know the area will agree that you can not make Moderates out of vertical rock .
24 Lenders will not make money out of consumers who can not repay their loans .
25 To say of persons however who simply believe of Jesus that he had a very fine moral teaching , but who wish to say nothing of Jesus himself , that they are Christian surely does not make sense theologically — whatever they may say of themselves .
26 The rest of the statement of claim does not make matters much clearer .
27 So why not make things hard for yourself and send for the full Just Desks catalogue or call in at our showrooms and see everything else we can offer you .
28 She must not make capital out of her distress , on the one hand ; on the other the items were quite small and there was no need to humiliate herself .
29 And now she could not stop talking , and he had put the book down , and they were shaking in each other 's arms , and he was kissing her , and she was kissing him , and really this would not do — they were in the embassy library , and anyone might come in , and , ‘ Dr Neil , we can not make love here ; it would not be proper , ’ she said breathlessly .
30 Carolyn and Alan did not make love again until they were married .
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